
Dental Crown

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Recently Get A Dental Crown? Know These Tips About Eating And Hygiene
A dental crown may help give one of your teeth the added strength it needs to be able to chew with it again, but that doesn’t mean you can go back to those normal behaviors. Here is a list of 4 things to keep in mind during those first few days after getting your new dental crown
Avoid Chewing With The Crown
Chewing with your other teeth will feel more comfortable for those first few days as you get used to the feeling of a dental crown. It will also help prevent causing accidental damage to the crown as well. There may be some additional time needed for bonding material to completely set, so putting less pressure on the tooth will help it.
Ask your dentist about when you should start chewing with the tooth that has the crown. Chewing on the …show more content…

Expect Sensitivity
It is completely normal to experience sensitivity in your affected tooth once a crown is placed on it. This is especially true when consuming beverages or foods that are very cold or hot. Thankfully, the sensitivity will subside after several days. If it does not seem like the sensitivity is going away, visit your dentist to have the tooth looked at.
Practice Proper Oral Hygiene
Your tooth may have a new porcelain or resin covering over it, but that does not mean the tooth cannot get a cavity again. In fact, the tooth will be more difficult to clean. It’s possible for bacteria to get caught along the edge of the crown, and if not cleaned properly, can cause a cavity to form on the side of the tooth. That’s why you must take extra care with brushing to ensure that the edges around the crown are very clean to avoid complications.
Thankfully, your tooth should be able to function just like a natural tooth after several days. If you feel like something is wrong, talk with your dentist

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