
Dental Hygienist Essay

Decent Essays

The main roles of a dental hygienists are to clean teeth and teach people on ways to preform proper oral care. Lack of proper oral health care can lead to more than just rotten teeth or gum disease, but can lead to systematic health issues. Both children and adults suffer from oral neglect. In fact some 82 million adults do not have dental heath insurance, which means most of these individuals do not go to the dentist. Also, in 2005, all of the children living at 200% of the federal poverty level did not go to any type of dental provider. Due to the fact that oral neglect is present, thirty-eight percent of the 181,000 jobs are projected to grow by 2020, this will then open more opportunities for dental hygienists to educate individuals on proper oral heath …show more content…

Because children are influenced by the family tradition and learn from their parents, it is important for parents to make sure that they are teaching proper oral care habits at a young age. The habits that children should learn at a young age are; keeping up with home dental care, receiving the dental care that people should, needing dental care but being enforced to go, brushing teeth as well as they should, being taught on how to control snacking between meals as well as they should, and being taught that dental care is indeed important. "Poor oral health has an impact upon children's health in general and dental caries can lead to a lack of appetite, problems with chewing, problems with sleeping and a decrease in school performance" (Abanto et al, 2011). Proper health education is somewhat

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