
Dental Hygienist Research Paper

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Dental Hygiene vs Radiation Therapy

What’s a more beneficial job; Dental Hygiene or Radiation Therapy? If you’ve ever struggled to decided what career to pursue, you're not alone. Most people decide on a job field based on their hobbies and dreams. In high school students have to make a hard, life changing decision on what they want to do for the rest of their life. One job deals with the mouth and helping clean teeth, while the other has to deal with helping care cancer by administering radiation treatment. There are many pro’s and con’s of both jobs.
Dental Hygienist work with kids and adults. If someone has an interest in being a pediatric dentist they would be able to work with kids. Some people they dislike kids, there is a ton of other dental offices even for elderly and middle age people. Being a Dental Hygienist allows the worker to focus mainly on the mouth. They will examine patients for diseases in the mouth, and provide exceptional dental care. On the other hand, Radiation Therapist diagnose and help people with their illness. It is the use of high-energy …show more content…

This could be a factor when deciding a job: salary. Dental Hygienists can make up to $73,000 a year. (“According to U.S news Dental Hygiene is ranked #3 in best health support jobs.”) You can go to school 2 years and earn an associate's degree. Radiation Therapist can make up to $80,000. Working in a hospital, clinic, and cancer centers. Associate's degree or a Bachelor's degree are available to be a Radiation Therapist. Both careers make around the same amount of money to buy the things people need and want. In high school to become a Dental Hygienist steps to take in that direction are classes such as: anatomy, chemistry, and psychology. Classes to take if interested in becoming a Radiation Therapist consist of: biology, chemistry, and physics. It is good to know these things as a junior or sophomore to start taking classes involved in the career you want to

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