Growing up in Iraq among healthcare providers of various disciplines has influenced me from a young age to pursue a career that would allow me to heal people. Having a mother who practices dentistry has allowed me, from childhood, the privilege to observe what dentists do. Since I used to get out of elementary school before the time my parents would come home, I spent most of my after school time with my mother at the free clinic she worked at. Looking back, this experience was a huge source of inspiration for me; I was able to see how highly my mother was looked upon in her community and how much of a positive impact she had on her patients through improving their oral health. One thing that intrigued me about this experience was how a patient can walk into the clinic with great toothache pain and in a matter of minutes, the doctor could ease that pain. Being my role model in life, my mother has inspired me since childhood to become a dentist. While my mother was able to practice dentistry abroad, the hardships we endured as a family limited her ability to practice in the United States. In 2007, at the age of 3, my younger sister was diagnosed with a congenital heart defect and needed medical intervention. As a consequence of decades of war and international imposed sanctions, the healthcare infrastructure of my home country was …show more content…
Since last year, I have spent approximately a thousand hours studying virulence factors of various bacteria of the oral cavity. I am currently in the process of writing a report on my latest project in preparation for publication. One of the highlights of my research was discovering how some bacteria that cause systemic diseases share the same virulence factors with cariogenic bacteria of the oral cavity. This experience made me realize how having a good oral health is vital for having good overall
My ambition to study for a degree in Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy has developed out of several years’ experience of working as a dental nurse in support of professional dental technicians and a growing interest in the science involved in dentistry. I am very much aware of the importance of the hygienist’s role in maintaining the patient’s dental health, and indeed ultimately helping to secure general health through careful attention to oral conditions. My work as a nurse has made me realise the importance of a full understanding of the physiology of the mouth and gums and of the whole body. I have been struck by how common periodontal diseases are in patients who come for dental treatment and have an immense faith in the value of preventive
Nevertheless, due to the obstacles I face and my father’s health problems, my dream is to become a health care provider. I want to make a positive change in my community, especially for the people who struggle the most. I will make a difference by fighting against injustice, food insecurity,
"If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door." -Milton Berle There is rarely an opportunity given to to you in life. Most of the time you create the opportunity for your self. I as a student of Youth Entrepreneur, I have realized nothing is given to you. When creating a business that you will own, you will be on your own, and will need to find help or research how to do it.
The normal issue regarding the matter of composing a decent dental personal statement is that this obliges broad written work aptitudes and capacity to successfully speak with your group of onlookers. At the point when creating the ideal dental personal statement, you ought to first research with the end goal you should legitimately begin your paper in an organized way. Before you start composing your personal statement writing, one must choose how they are going to compose it. There are a boundless number of ways that you can go.
A dental school personal statement is your chance to demonstrate the council who you are, what your story is, your expertise set and learning that would make you astonishing dental practitioner, and why they ought to acknowledge you. Your dental practicing personal statement writing ought to incorporate any themes you think the dental entrance advisory board would discover helpful to think about you, data that separates you from different students, and portrays who you are as a person. You can use following tips to write your dental practicing personal statement writing. • Use formal composition styles, don't utilize withdrawals like don't or isn't, rather utilize don't or is definitely not. Try not to utilize slang.
Oral health is an important part of an overall health. Oral diseases ranging from cavities to cancer are all serious threats to an oral health. Research shows that there may be a link between oral disease and other health problems such as diabetes, heart disease and stroke as well as pre-term and low-birth-weight babies. If left untreated, it can cause more complications to the oral health. Periodontal disease, root caries and infections and other oral cancer can lead to severe pain, loss of teeth and serious health conditions. As a health care provider, it is significant to realizing the connection between oral diseases and systemic diseases so that we all can deliver our services to prevent and help treat disease while it is still manageable. Expanding the role of dental hygienists might reduce the most serious consequences of limited access to dentists, and dental hygienists are potentially well suited to play an important role in expanding affordable access (1). Collaborative practice of dental hygiene
My parents were both born In Nigeria and moved to the United States so that my siblings and I could have more opportunities. I am the second born of three children and my parents worked hard to provide for all of us. This was not an easy task growing up in the inner city. The sounds of gunshots, drug raids, and gang fights were constant staples in my community. But, my parents did a good job of sheltering my sibling and me from these constant distractions. They made sure that they instilled cultural values in us that we could use to make an impact in the world. Values such as the importance of hard work, education, and compassion for other people. These values are what led me to want to become a dentist and my parents encouraged me to pursue it with fierce passion.
My observations included a broad range of treatments from a simple filling or clean to diagnosing gum disease and complex procedures such as root canal surgery which really appealed to me as it shows the precision, accuracy and patience required by dentists when performing these intricate procedures and have learnt about the differences between private and NHS work. During my work experience, I have witnessed that one of the main qualities required by a dentist is to have good communication skills. This is utilised in helping patients feel at ease, discussing possible treatment plans and thus ensuring informed consent, and in working as an integral part of a dynamic
I am a naturally driven individual. I have always had an instinctual curiosity about the world around us. My mother and father, who were both raised in rural Poland, showed me hard work and commitment is the only way to find success in life. My mother came overseas alone to support her family in Poland after her father passed, and my father came to the United States after living and working on his parent’s farm for ten years. My parents arrived in this country with next-to-nothing, and fought tooth and nail to build a life and family. It is only through their perseverance that I was able to live a healthy, happy, and fulfilling childhood. As a result of having such incredibly strong role models, I have become a motivated, thoughtful, independent young woman. I may not have the personal connections and family influence in the field as some other applicants, but that does not dilute my passion to pursue a career in dentistry. My self-reliance has proved to me that I can do anything I put my mind to, no matter who or what may stand in my way, and my parents taught me that. It goes to show that even though I am working towards this career on my own, since I do not have family or friends in dentistry to advise me, I am still just as dedicated to my academic and extracurricular activities in the hopes of growing into a well-rounded woman and dentist.
Immediately, I was recruited as a clinical instructor at Royal dental Institute to teach my secrets, simplifying concepts for the students. As I began lecturing, I finished my general practice residency and began my MSD program in pediatrics, until i went to the University of Washington. Up to this moment, the most blissful experience of my life was at the UW, where I attended the medically compromised children’s clinic every Wednesday with Dr. Palmer, Oregon pediatric residency program director. I was especially intrigued by the quality of her care for special needs patients, learning that every patient is unique. The practical knowledge I gained from this experience further developed a desire in me to come to the United States and cater to these patients.
Education can but an initial attraction for many hearts who desire a particular goal or the willing to serve in their life. The impact of being a minority, the involvement of university organizations, and the ability to serve with understanding and support have brought me to further pursue the field of Dentistry. As a Hispanic bilingual female born and raised in Tamaulipas, Mexico by a single mother has brought me to take and cherish all educational opportunities. Many people have either doubted or believed in my abilities due to being a Hispanic minority and every step is an amazing stepping stone in my life.
While still attending San Jose State, I sought out Health Trust of Santa Clara County to volunteer as an oral health educator. As an educator, I travel to tabling events and community centers throughout the South Bay to teach the importance of good oral hygiene and effective techniques to reduce cavities. While volunteering, I learned that communities often see dental procedures as expensive and optional. My experiences at Health Trust has helped me realized I want to be a
Personal statement composing is one of the hardest things you'll need to finish at the start of your dental college application process. Dentistry in therapeutic field is constantly fruitful in possessing the unique spot. The calling as dental practitioner is these days very requesting one not at all like prior as well. Individual that is needed to be a dental practitioner ought to be sufficiently able to keep up diligent work and endeavors without fail. All the personal statement samples are not of famous quality and you have to experience them one by one.
Having the ability to communicate with over 1 billion people across the world is a rare occurrence. Oddly enough, I am a trilingual individual that is able to manipulate English, Spanish, and French effectively. Under the circumstances that my exposure to all three languages continues, it will help me become better acquainted with French and Spanish cultures while simultaneously furthering my apprehension. My goal in life is to become a self-effacing doctor of dental surgery that travels the world to aid those who are denied access to dental services. For this reason, my familiarity with all three languages will facilitate the triumphant completion of my future plans.
What makes a great dentist? It’s not just the marriage of science, technology and art, but also a love for people. It’s not just being a phenomenal technician, but the ability to foster trust and communica-tion with your patients as well as grow loyalty and passion from your team through leadership and dedica-tion. I believe that I possess many of the gifts it takes to become a trusted member of the medical com-munity and am eager to learn the skills that will allow me to serve my patients well.