
Dentistry Personal Statement Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Planning for the future can be extremely stressful. I was fortunate enough to know what field of study to pursue because of all of my self experience, interest, and familiarity. Dentistry has been my top choice of study since the start of high school. Many things can be attributed to this as well. From a very young age and all through my teenage years, I have spent quite an ample amount of time in the dentist’s office, whether it was for a simple checkup or an orthodontic appointment. This field of study will be something I know I will be happy to continue as my full time career. I would like to be in the field of study for many reasons. For one, I have experience. Aside from my semi-annual checkups at the dentist, I have had two full years of orthodontic treatment. My real interest was sparked in my early teens when I got my braces. Monthly checkups, adjustments, and cleanings became a routine. I had frequent interactions with all of the assistants and hygienists working in the office. I knew right then and there that I wanted to pursue a career in dental hygiene. My job shadowing experience gave me an even more in depth view of what a hygienist really does. They allowed me to ask questions and …show more content…

I am always looking for a challenge. In my junior year of high school, I took two separate AP classes for chemistry and calculus. With determination and hard work I was able to pass both classes with A’s each semester and even receive a 4 on my AP calculus exam. I am currently taking an AP statistics course and a continuation of AP calculus for my senior year. In addition to all of these college level courses, I am captain of both my softball and volleyball teams. And, furthermore, I am working part time at a local pharmacy. This field of study will give me a challenge that I know I am more than able to succeed at. Not only will I have a challenge, but I will have the drive to do extremely

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