Planning for the future can be extremely stressful. I was fortunate enough to know what field of study to pursue because of all of my self experience, interest, and familiarity. Dentistry has been my top choice of study since the start of high school. Many things can be attributed to this as well. From a very young age and all through my teenage years, I have spent quite an ample amount of time in the dentist’s office, whether it was for a simple checkup or an orthodontic appointment. This field of study will be something I know I will be happy to continue as my full time career. I would like to be in the field of study for many reasons. For one, I have experience. Aside from my semi-annual checkups at the dentist, I have had two full years of orthodontic treatment. My real interest was sparked in my early teens when I got my braces. Monthly checkups, adjustments, and cleanings became a routine. I had frequent interactions with all of the assistants and hygienists working in the office. I knew right then and there that I wanted to pursue a career in dental hygiene. My job shadowing experience gave me an even more in depth view of what a hygienist really does. They allowed me to ask questions and …show more content…
I am always looking for a challenge. In my junior year of high school, I took two separate AP classes for chemistry and calculus. With determination and hard work I was able to pass both classes with A’s each semester and even receive a 4 on my AP calculus exam. I am currently taking an AP statistics course and a continuation of AP calculus for my senior year. In addition to all of these college level courses, I am captain of both my softball and volleyball teams. And, furthermore, I am working part time at a local pharmacy. This field of study will give me a challenge that I know I am more than able to succeed at. Not only will I have a challenge, but I will have the drive to do extremely
When it came to choosing a prospective career path, I was sure that I wanted to pursue dental therapy. I have always wanted to be in a profession which is involved with scientific applications but also coincides with patient care and truly improves people’s quality of life. I believe that dental therapy is an ever growing sector, with constant advancements in treatment and patient care which provides endless opportunities for further studying and specialisation, whilst providing a stable interesting career. The decision of taking a course in dental therapy was reinforced when I had the opportunity to shadow a dental hygienist in a dental studio, he gave me an honest insight as to what I would be taking part in.
Deciding what you want to do for the rest of your life is never easy; in part because you never know what the future has in store. Furthermore, there are endless possibilities to take into consideration. A desire to help others has always been a passion of mine and I envision myself in a service oriented career path. With a great deal of time, soul searching, research and careful consideration, I have come to realize that pursuing a degree in dental hygiene will help me reach my goals and fulfill my dreams. Dental Hygienists are patient, understanding, detail-oriented and passionate about oral hygiene. They possess leadership skills and enjoy daily interaction with patients. I embody these character traits and look forward to educating
My choice in careers seems now: to go from managing a tooth-decaying candy store to dreaming of cleaning teeth, would be a large leap on my effect of the tooth-health-spectrum. As a dental hygienist, it will be my job to clean people’s teeth, examine them for any type of oral disease, and to educate others on proper dental hygiene. To perform my job properly, it will be important to have high communication skills, a general knowledge of anatomy and diseases, and to have a close attention to detail.
enjoyed the office’s aroma. I frequently visit my Dentist office, not because I needed but I wanted be there. I had the opportunity to learn how to mix amalgam, how to prepare prophylaxis paste, and how to clean and sterilize instruments at early age. Ever since I can remember I knew that I wanted to work in the dental field. For that reason, it was a surprise for me that Dental field was not the unique career which corresponds with my interest and personality type. Even though Dental Hygiene was not in my top ten strong occupations, it fit in the first two of five top interest areas according to the Strong Interest Inventory.
I want to be a dental hygienist because you get to help a lot of people with there teeth and you get to teach them how to take care of there teeth. The skills you need for this job is obvious, you have to be able to be good with teeth and you have to be able to talk to people good because you need to tell everyone how to take care of
Growing up, I have always wanted to have a job that has made a great impact on someone's life. I have changed my career plans as I’ve gotten older, but one that has stuck with me in the back of my mind is being a dental hygienist. Which is why I’ve decided to pursue a career as a dental hygienist. I hope to first work as a dental assistant while studying to become a certified dental hygienist. This will help me work in a dentist office and get experience while learning more about the dental field.
As a college student, it is important to research different professions in order to determine what career path to ultimately follow. Certainly, there are many types of jobs to take account of, and as a person with plenty of passions, finding a major has proved to be quite difficult. Nevertheless, the time has come to decide a career pathway and currently I am pursuing to become a registered dental hygienist. This career path is far from my art passions, but the search for a good occupation, and a feel-good job has brought me to the dental hygiene career path. In order to research this occupation even further, I will interview a dental hygienist and find out if this is the right career path for me.
My whole life, it has been apparent to those around me that I would be a dentist. I am highly inquisitive, passionate, compassionate, experienced, and I love teeth. I remember getting so excited to have my teeth cleaned as a child because my trips to the dentist were so much fun! At a young age, my mother instilled the importance of oral hygiene care. To this day, I wonder if it was the dentist, dental hygienist, or just the dental office ambiance that had me engaged as a young child. Almost immediately after graduating high school, I went to school to become a registered dental assistant and at that point, I figured out that I possess good manual dexterity, which is a fundamental skill to be efficient in the dental field. At the same time, I unlocked the key to my calling, passion. Six years later, I realized I had the potential to
The normal issue regarding the matter of composing a decent dental personal statement is that this obliges broad written work aptitudes and capacity to successfully speak with your group of onlookers. At the point when creating the ideal dental personal statement, you ought to first research with the end goal you should legitimately begin your paper in an organized way. Before you start composing your personal statement writing, one must choose how they are going to compose it. There are a boundless number of ways that you can go.
Dentistry offers the ability to apply my interests in science whilst having the opportunity to communicate with people and to make a positive contribution in their lives. I developed my interest in dentistry during my regular check-ups where I got to know my dentist and build up a relationship with them. I believe that with my dedication and work ethic alongside my extensive volunteering, I have the ability to become a reputable dentist. An aspect of dentistry that I enjoy is the ‘hands on’ experience obtained and the teamwork involved alongside the mentally and physically challenging demands of the profession.
This is a paper that is composed with the point of giving dental schools an unmistakable picture of who you are and in particular, why you need to seek after a vocation in dentistry. Few tips that will help you figure out what you ought to expound on and what you shouldn't when forming this pivotal record. • Recount your story. What persuaded you to seek after a vocation in dentistry?
My passion is to care for the health of a smile. Although my ideas towards Dental Hygiene have changed in the last two years, I still adore the profession I have chosen. Though I love hygiene, I was unaware how physically demanding it was upon the whole body. I have significantly more respect for experienced hygienists, as it is a skill that truly improves with time. The areas I’m more interested in specializing in would be pediatrics and periodontics. I enjoy interacting with children, but also feel that maybe it wouldn’t challenge the application of my clinical skills enough. However I would not mind working part time in a pediatric office. Whereas with periodontics, I love the challenge, the biochemical interaction and physiological response of the human body involved in treatment, with each
Ever since I was in middle school, I would tell everyone that I was going to become a dentist. That was my career plan until the summer of my junior year. During that summer, I had the opportunity to do an internship and job shadow Dr. Bradshaw at his private dental office. While observing and talking to the doctor, I realized that I would not enjoy working as a dentist. I still wanted to pursue a career in the dental field so I decided to job shadow the dental hygienists. Watching the dental hygienists perform their duties and interact with patients made me want to pursue a career in dental hygiene. I knew very little about dental hygienists besides the fact that they clean teeth. As I spent time with the dental hygienists, I learned more each day. While researching for this paper, I became knowledgeable on even more information. From reading The Occupational Outlook Handbook and A Career as a Dental
My dream job is to be a dental hygienist and has been the same since I was a little girl. I have an interest in how health can affect one’s body. I would like to educate others how important it is to keep your body, including teeth, healthy and clean. To see people who have not cleaned their teeth in years compared to people who are able to see the dentist every six months, is a drastic difference. Some people may think it does not matter, but lack of dental care actually takes a toll on your health. I want to peruse this career to help other’s think. I will enjoy helping other people by showing them the importance of keeping their teeth cleaned. Contrary to popular belief, a tooth brush does not do all the work, that is also why it is so important to have a dentist to make sure you are getting the cleaning you need to stay healthy. Another reason why I want to pursue this career is I work best in an oriented atmosphere. Making sure people are comfortable with where they are and make sure the patients are taken care of. Creates a very friendly environment. That is why my passion is a dental hygienist.
A career in Dentistry is my main goal in life. I want to pursue a career in Dentistry for many reasons. Being a Dentist, you get to aid people and make them feel better about themselves. I have the personal qualities to be a Dentist and know that I would be great at the job. I would look forward to going to work every day. Dentistry contains many tools and oral practices that I am not familiar with. It would be awesome to get to be familiar with the lifestyle of a Dentist. Someday, I might even be able to live their lifestyle. Focusing in school is the main priority for all jobs. Dentistry also involves a diverse (longer) college route than most. This means that the academic requirements to be a Dentist are quite time consuming, but the