
Department Function Internal Information External Information

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Department Function Internal Information External Information
Sales The sales department are mainly in charge of selling of the product for the company they are working for; they are also in charge of advertising the business or a certain product(s). The sales department can do the advertising by phoning customers and persuading them into buying the product, they can also do this by advertising online using banners adverts or pop ups etc. Another way that they can advertise products is to make apps showing off a product(s) such as direct purchasing from the app. They also can do door to door sales showing off the product. The Internal information that the sales department would need would be the pricing. The sales department would need …show more content…

They are also in charge of buying things for the company to function such as computers, better machinery or refreshments for the staff as this may help the staff do their job quicker and better if they are hydrated. The purchasing department also buys things in parts so they can get them cheaper in order to make a bigger profit for the company. The Internal information that the purchasing department would need would be to make an in-voice stating what they have purchased for the business and passing this in-voice to the business manager or a higher ranked member of staff. Other internal information that the sales department would need could be to check the stock levels so they can see if they need to buy more of a certain product or if they don’t need to buy any more of a certain product. They also can check if they need they need to purchase any new equipment such as new machinery etc. The purchasing department would have to contact the finance department with the in-voice stating clearly what they have bought and for how much so the finance department can use this information. The external information for the purchasing department would be to buy products or parts from other companies/businesses in order to create the product their company is selling; they would also need to contact an outside business or company negotiating the prices etc. The external information for the purchasing

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