
Deployed Soldiers Research Paper

Decent Essays

With thousands of U.S. troops being deployed, there are many different aspects of their lives that need to be considered. Sure most people think about the deployed soldiers, send care packages, and even pray for their safety. However, in many cases nobody knows that these deployed soldiers have children whose lives they are missing out on, all for the cause of protecting their country. According to a research article entitled, “The Home Front: Operational Stress Injuries and Veteran Perceptions of Their Children’s Functioning”,
Theories hold that children of military veterans have increased emotional and behavioral difficulties relative to civilian counterparts. The difficulties may be attributable to poorer parent– child relationships precipitated …show more content…

These children may develop emotional, behavioral, and communication issues all because they had a parent or parents that are fighting for their basic rights and freedom. The aforementioned article focuses on the effect of the diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) on the children of those diagnosed soldier. My focus is the level of depression in the children of deployed soldiers. My hypothesis is that children with one or more deployed parents will display more sign of depression than those that have both parents in the home on a daily …show more content…

Within this experiment there will be one independent variable (I.V.), the military status of the parents with the dependent variable (D.V) being their level of depression. The subjects of this study will be the children of married deployed soldiers; meaning that if one or both parents were not deployed then the child(ren) would be in a two parent home. The children that will participate in this study will be randomly selected. There will be three types of children/situations in this study, those where both parents are in the home, those where one parent is deployed, and those where both parents are

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