
Deposit Mobilization Of Scheduled Commercial Banks

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Capital gathering which in turn is essential to economic growth and development the stages of accumulation are savings and investment among them saving is most crucial because it is basic constraint for investment and development so capital accumulation and economic growth is affected by the rate of savings in the economy mobilization of savings becomes all the more important in the economy when economic growth is set with in frame work of targets with maximum reliance on internal resources. In a study conducted by national institute of bank management (NIBM) it was observed that the savings and that about 75 per cent of the gross domestic savings (GDS) cane from the house hold sector and approximately 45 percent of the household sector savings were kept in the form of bank deposits. The banking sector has played an increasingly imperative role in the financial intermediation process by mobilizing savings in the form of deposits. Deposits are the main source of funds for banks the bank of the total liabilities of a banking company include deposits. Hence banks serve financial needs of various sections of societies, the larger volume of funds can attract, the better the position they are in to lend funds. Scheduled Commercial Banks are those banks which were included in the second schedule or 2E of RBI ACT, 1934.

REVIEW OF LITERATURE Ramkrishanvyas and Arunadhode (2007) found out the impact of the

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