The reading and the lecture are both about depression, a mental disorder which is affecting millions of people worldwide and even more with the passing of time. First of all, the author points out that the cause of depression, a chemical imbalance in the brain, is targeted and solved thanks to medications. It is mentioned that abnormal level of chemical compound can have a drastic effect on a person's mood and that medication are targeting this problem. This point is challenged by the lecturer. He says that depression is more complex just a chemical imbalance in the brain. Furthermore, he argues that it takes only a negative experience such as the death of a child to become depressed. Secondly, the author contends that medications are efficient
Major depression is a commonly diagnosed psychological disorder affecting individuals’ ability to feel happiness and peace of mind. Those who suffer experience negative emotions, lack of motivation, changes in behaviour and dysfunctional cognitive symptoms. Depression is classified by the Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5) as five of more of the listed symptoms present persistently over the same two weeks. One of these symptoms must be depressed mood or loss of interest in previously pleasurable activities. Depression causes disruption to typical daily life such as inability to maintain friendships and jobs. Other symptoms outlined by the DSM-5 include; insomnia, fatigue and recurrent thoughts of death. There is much debate over what exactly causes depression. Biological explanations question hereditary and neurotransmitter factors. While psychological theories include the cognitive ideas of Beck’s negative triad and hopelessness theory. This essay will focus on the ways in which psychological and biological explanations contrast and how their theories can overlap to better understand depression.
Depression is a severe illness the makes a person feel insecure, worthless. and daily tasks become difficult. They are different types of depression because According to Medical News Today states “depression is likely to be caused by a complex combination of factors, genetic, environmental, and psychological”. The probability is significant with genetics. At times an individual may become substantially depressed that they believe their life achievements seem futile. Depression is a
Depression is a debilitating mental disorder, which can be detrimental to a person’s way of living. For example, depression can cause an individual to have negative thoughts, experience chronic distress, and hopelessness (Pourbabaee, n.d.). Researchers focus on two causes of depression. Those who support the cognitive-behavioral perspective believe depression results from faulty thinking associated with low self-esteem or learned helplessness, as well as environmental influences such as the loss of a loved one or a job. Whereas, those who support the biological perspective believe depression results from the genes a person inherits, chemical imbalances that change the functions of the brain, as well as damage to the anatomy of the brain.
In addition, the article “ The Chemical Imbalance in Mental Health Problems” written by Carver J. M. recommends that when dopamine rises beyond the brain can process, a person may experience auditory hallucinations. It may be hearing voices, seeing things or combination of both. Initially, our inner thoughts only can be heard inside our body but due to high levels of dopamine these “voices” begin to talk with us known to decrease our self-esteem, makes us to do something, or sexual topics. Besides, hallucinations soon will develop in all of the senses. Examples, a person may begin to seeing things at inappropriate places such as faces in clouds and etc. Individual can also sense the touch of spirits or movements inside our body. Then, experiencing
Research has determined that depression is identified by an individual's failure to concentrate, biases seem to be implying that this comes from a negative set of memories and experiences that make up a persons’ beliefs. This mind set results in a deeply thoughtful style described by a lack of logical thinking which leads to depressed emotions and behaviours. The neurobiology behind depression shows that changes in the brain system are commonly linked to this theoretical way of thinking. This similarity proves the cognitive process behind the theory of depression and it also shows the noticeable features of a depressed brain described by neurobiologists
Exploring Psychology, the text book decribe mood disorders such as major depressive disorder as a sickness. Much like how a person would be diagnosed with any other disease. Like Czechs study, It describes how and why our bodies correspond to mental illness and explains how thoughts and feelings can be explained through the biopsychosocial approach. Module 39: Basic Concepts of Psychological Disorders and Mood Disorders, in particular, discusses how different cultures have different stressors, as well as the genetic factors behind why people become depressed. It confirms that depression and schizophrenia are common disorders in many countries globally (Psychology 2013). This article informs readers that depression is a full body disorder and not an imaginary one. It has miserable physical effects and can be treated which chemicals and medication like many other diseases. Most believe that the depressed should simply “get over” their symptoms and move on but many fail to understand some may need extra help
This can make it difficult to tell precisely which drug is affecting an individual’s emotions. Doctors do, however, have a pretty good idea of what each narcotic can do due to research in individuals that have taken one drug at a time.
In the present study, the rat model of depression was induced by the daily i.p. injection of reserpine for 15 days. This was followed by monitoring the motor activity to check the development of the rat model of depression. Then the depressed rats were treated with cannabis extract to study its effect on this model.
Columbia University outlined the great potential impact of neurogenesis (the formation of new neurons in the brain) on our understanding of the brain mechanisms underlying depression and its treatment. There has also been research surrounding gene therapy, along with a number of new studies related to understanding the brain and the effects of depression on the brain (Medscape, 2005).
Description of the disease – this refers to the cause and biological abnormality associated with the disease:
Depression is a mental disorder that is a feeling of sadness that can interfere with daily life for a person and the family and friends of the person. The some of the major signs or symptoms of depression are thoughts of suicide, loss of interest, and appetite changes. There are many things to know about this disorder such as what the it is, what causes it, who is afflicted by it, how it is diagnosed, and what treatment is available.
Depression is one of the most common therapeutic topics. There are many effects that lead to major depression and thus require distinctive therapy methods. It is a mood disorder that is associated with the body, emotions and thoughts (Hoeksema and rector, 2011). In order for a person to be diagnosed with major depression, they must show at least 4 symptoms from any of the 4 categories; such as mood changes, cognitive changes, physical changes, and behavior changes; and must have experience of depression for 2 weeks. These symptoms arise overtime and thus it is very crucial to determine the outcome and the solution for depression. Even though the main cause of depression is biology, social factors help derive stress that lead to depressive moods because of situations that people face which then supports the other etiologies. Through this essay I will discuss the social stress that causes depression through social involvement, relationships with close individuals, and stress from work. Secondly, how parental teaching affects the child’s thought process and in the way the child learns to deal with situations. Thirdly, past traumatic events that influences self-esteem, thought process in particular situations and other effects on depression. Finally why social etiology explains depression more effectively over the biological and psychological etiologies. As people carry on their everyday routine, different situations come cross their way.
This paper focuses on the importance of early recognition of depression and acknowledgement of the important matter that this mental illness is not just feeling blue or sad but it is a serious disorder and without applied treatment or proper medication, it may lead to the suicide of a patient. This essay presents to the reader that depression may be seen everywhere, even at work, and it is crucial for the management to notice the first warning signs and be able to help. Depression may be suffered at any age, by itself or it might come along with other disease what makes it harder to notice the symptoms
Depression have become a major problem in our society today. People who haven’t experience depression will not understand how it feel and what it can do to a person. Many people also doesn’t understand what depression is, or how it can related to suicidal ideation. In fact, studies have documented that the majority of young suicide victims had depression at the time of death and most suicide survivors were diagnosed with symptoms of clinical depression at the time of their attempt (Mojs, Biederman, Głowacka, Strzelecki, Ziemska, Samborski 2015). It can affect anyone, from young adolescents to college students to the elderly people. There are many reasons that can make someone have major depression. Such as financial problems, family problems, social problems, school, work, etc. These stressors in our daily life can cause anxiety which can increase our stress level significantly, which then can lead to depression. A research said that anxiety disorder have a high comorbidity with depression and that anxiety occur prior to the onset of depressive disorders in many individuals (Batterham, Christensen, Calear 2013). People who experience depression must find way to cope with depression and know how to get help in order to prevent suicidal ideation. The people surroundings, friends and family, must also find ways to recognize the symptoms of depression, and show understandings in order to help those suffering. This research project will help people understand more about
There are different ways to detect if a person is depressed and it is very important to go for help with an expert, a psychologist or psychiatrist before it is too late. The goal of this research paper is to give more knowledge about depression and the reasons of this illness.