One psychological disorder commonly treated with cognitive therapy is depression. Beck
(1979) describes depression as a disorder that seems to defy all rational explanations. An individual with depression displays symptoms that demonstrate the opposite of what humans are designed to do; depressed patients’ social desires vanish and physical needs shrink (the patient no longer desires food or sex). At its worst point, depression causes “the desire to live” to be
“switched off and replaced with the wish to die” (Beck, 1979). Beck believes that depression results from a loss, after which the individual begins to assess his or her experiences in a negative way and expects the present struggles to continue forever. The theme of loss is the
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The therapist encourages the patient to employ problem-solving techniques to correct his or her irrational thought processes.
(Beck, 1979).
Cognitive therapy aims to correct the pattern of thought processes that occur when an individual experiences an event. Clients with depression often automatically process information without taking in all available information. This therapy aims to alter the cognition process, teaching individuals to process information more mindfully, pausing to evaluate their cognitions as they interpret the information. The two step theory of cognition includes the two steps, an event (1) and the feelings in response to the event (2). The three-step model of cognition adds the step of cognition between the event and the feelings. The step of cognition is the interpretation of the event that then results in feelings in response to this interpretation. Rather than letting an event influence one’s mood, cognitive therapists aim to teach clients to interpret the event and allow one’s mood to be affected by his or her interpretations, rather than the event itself. In other words, events do not cause us to have sad feelings, our interpretations of those events are the cause of our sad feelings (Pomerantz, 2017).
Ellis designed what he called the ABCDE model, a model used to understand the impact of thoughts on feelings. This model is more in depth than Beck’s three-step model of
When treating clients who suffer from major depressive disorder, psychotherapist focus primarily on the aspects of cognitive
The author's intention is to not only present accurate information for the readers, but also grant them a space to reflect on the emotional truth in order to have the ability to take actions on their own terms.
“Cognitive therapy first came to the attention of British psychologists and psychiatrists through the pioneering work of the British researchers who sought to evaluate the efficacy of Beck’s treatment for depression.”
• that a person can learn to become aware of the interaction of cognition, emotion, and behavior; and that altering the ones that may be more directly under our control or influence – cognition and behavior – will impact the person’s responses on all levels.
Aaron Beck is an American psychiatrist and a professor emeritus in the department of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania ( Beck has had an interest in the changes of human nature goes as far back as he can remember. Beck is known as a trailblazer in the psychology world because he focused on disoriented thoughts that lead to problematic behaviors such as depression. “Beck struggled to find a way to help his depressed client’s better capture their emotions. He realized that many of his depressed clients experienced recurring negative thoughts and that as long as they believed these thoughts to be true, they would continue to have symptoms of depression”( Beck spent much of his career at the University of Pennsylvania and advocated for the application of cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of depression and other mood problems (
The cognitive theory argues that behavior is based on knowing about a situation in which the
Aaron Beck developed the cognitive therapy concept in the 1960s. Beck was very ill as a child and perceive his mother to be depressed and unpredictable due to losing two children in their infancy due to illness. Beck graduated from Brown University and Yale Medical School. According to Beck’s daughter Judith, cognitive therapy is based on the ideas of the stoic philosophers in Greece and Rome (Seligman et al, 2014, p. 294) Cognitive Behavioral Therapy was founded by Donald Meichenbaum, a distinguished professor emeritus at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. While he was working on his dissertation for his doctoral degree, he noticed that people with schizophrenia who were taught healthy self-talk fared better in other measures than those with schizophrenia who were not talk about healthy self talk.
J M Fisher, The process of transition lists 9 behavioural responses people demonstrate when experiencing
● Information processing - The theory states that at the time information is presented to the
Fayard, J. V., Roberts, B. W., Robins, R. W., & Watson, D. (2012). Uncovering the Affective
Depression is a normal emotional reaction to perceived loss and hopelessness (Segal, Williams, & Teasdale, 2002). There are a number of different types of depression such as chronic depression, manic depression and the primary focus of this essay Major Depressive Disorder (MDD). MDD is a clinical depression, which is more chronic and more severe compared to other types of depression. It significantly disrupts the individual’s ability to meet the normal demands of life. According to many clinicians, clinical depression should be considered as a medical illness in need of medical intervention. Other mental health professionals believe this is an overstatement of the role of physiology and the
The Cognitive Perspective: This is a way to explain how an individual’s thoughts and explanations have a profound effect on their actions feelings
In the next paragraphs I will consider some theories, factors and evidence on cognitive controlling of emotion in terms of
Cognition refers to the process in which people are able to acquire and comprehend various forms of knowledge through their thoughts, experiences and use of their sensory systems. This process of cognition is in itself takes various processes. It must be said as early as now that the ultimate result of cognition processes is to result in one learning. The cognitive processes are started by one having to pay attention. This