Depression in Children
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Depression in Children
Commonly, depression is a serious disorder that affects all individuals irrespective of their ages; that is the children and adolescents. In definition, it is the persistent experience of irritable mood as well the loss of interest in nearly all activities (Wade & Tavris, 2000). Normally, these feelings are accompanied by additional symptoms that affect the activity level, concentration, sleep, appetite, as well as feelings of self-worth. Psychologists believe that mental illness affects the entire body; it influences the way an individual feels, acts and thinks. Depression can cause school failure, suicide, and drug abuse such as alcohol
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The things that the child enjoyed now bring little or no joy to the child who is now depressed. Child psychiatrists give advice to the parents to be careful and observant to avoid cases of depressions on their children while they are in their young age (Bornstein & Bradley, 2012). Children, who are depressed, may utter weird words such as they want to die, or others may talk about committing suicide. Depressed children face high risks of for committing the act, suicide.
At times, children who are always causing troubles at school and homes may be suffering from depression. Since the young child may not always seem sad, teachers and parents may not be in a position to realize that troublesome behaviors come as a result of depressions, and when directly asked, these children openly state that they are sad or either unhappy (Evans & Andrews, 2005).
The types of depressions that affect children are major depression; adjust disorders with depressed mood, dysthymia, seasonal affective disorder, as well as bipolar.
Major depression
This is considered a very serious condition, which is characterized by a long-lasting sad mood, guilt, the inability to feel happiness, and feelings of worthlessness (Evans & Andrews, 2005). Depression cases that are majors normally interfere with day-to-day activities of the child such as sleeping and eating. Children suffering from major depressions feels depressed everyday day (Evans & Andrews, 2005).
Depression- the most diagnosed mental illness in the world- is also the most misunderstood. Depression?a sad or discontented mood?can leave a person feeling lethargic, unmotivated, or hopeless, and in some cases ? contemplate suicide. Unfortunately, depression usually begins as high levels of anxiety and with exposure to trauma in children. Higher levels of anxiety or exposure to stress-inducing and traumatic situations as a child could mean an increased risk of depression as an adult. Although a serious mental illness all over the world in
Antidepressant drugs taken by children have been linked to increased risk of suicide. Exasperated mental health professionals began prescribing antidepressants to children and teens in large proportions in the 1990’s, even though studied safety of such drugs for use in minors had not been conducted. Consequently, standard growth models and brain development may be impaired by the use of these drugs. Moreover, children may be risking one evil for another as adult years could prove to hold adverse side effects and health risks from prolonged use of these drugs.
Depression in children stem from a variety of factors relating to health, history, life events, genetic vulnerabilities, family history, and biochemical imbalances. Every individual shows different symptoms when suffering from depression; however, these symptoms interfere with the child’s daily living at school and home. Psychotherapy and medication are the most common treatments for children with depression (Depression in
Depression can be cause if child feels rejected by peers or have problems with sexual identity.
Kovacs, M. (2003). Children 's Depression Inventory: Technical manual update. North Tonawanda, NY: Multi-Health Systems.
Depression is the most common mental disorder, not only for adults, but for children and teenagers as well. The DSM-IV classifies depression as a mood disorder. It states that an individual has suffered a “major depressive episode” if certain symptoms persist for at least two weeks, including a loss of enjoyment in previously pleasurable activities, a sad or irritable mood, a significant change in weight or appetite, problems sleeping or concentrating, and feelings of worthlessness. These symptoms of depression fall into four categories: mood, cognitive, behavioral, and physical. Depression affects how individuals feel, think, behave, and how their bodies work. People with depression may experience symptoms in any or all of the
Prevalence of major depressive disorder in Children and adolescents 7.7% of 8.8% of children having severe impairment prevalence in children is 2% ulta female Day short is about to Mom adolescent is 4 - 8% would male to female ratio is 1 - 2sub syndromal depression is present in 5 to 10% of the children
This is because the thoughts of a child who is depressed are negative and demeaning. Though the child may be nice looking or smart, he or she won’t see what everyone around them sees. If the child is given a gift or an opportunity, he or she will view it as luck and only focus on the reasons why he or she didn’t deserve it. Depression causes one’s thinking process to be completely distorted and the world around them has nothing but negative things to offer.
Empirical evidence shows that that depression disorder in children is a common condition that affects emotional, physical, and social development. Risk factors include parental conflict, a family history of depression, poor peer relationship, negative thinking, and deficit in coping skills. Treatment criteria of children and adults are the same, with the exception that children may display irritability rather than depressed or sad mood, and loss of weight may be seen as a failure gain appropriate weight milestones. Diagnosis and treatment should take into account developmental stage, suicidality, severity of depression, and social and environmental factors. The recommended therapies for mild depression
Mental illnesses such as depression as depression are not limited to adults and can affect any age group. It can be challenging to recognize the signs of mental illness in children due to the constant changes that occur during that point in life. Changes how they act, how they are feeling, their thought process, and their physical health can all be indicators that a child may be in need of help. There are many options available to help children in these situations that are specialized for the individual. It is also important to check on those closest to the child to ensure their well being is also addressed.
To assist in identification of children in need of intervention, a variety of instruments to assess depression in children are available, including: "The Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), The Children's Depression Scale (CDS), The Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale (RADS), The Reynolds Child Depression Scale, and The SAD Persons Scale" (Ramsey, 1994). Reynolds (1990) reports that although School Psychologists do not usually use clinical interviews but they appear to be one of the most effective means of assessment of depression. Clinical interviews allow an exploration of symptoms, information regarding whether possible symptoms are related to depression, or other factors (Reynolds, 1990).
Mental disorders affects 2-3 % of the population of which one good eleven average quality studies predict that depression and single sucide attempt are much more higher in school children of around the ages 9 to 13 who were more anxious and two and a half times more likely to develop depression in adolescence compared to their female counterparts aged 13 to 16 years were more likely to develop anxiety disorder depressed and observed . (Barmier et al., 2006)most common mental illnesses are depressive, anxiety and substance use disorder or sometimes they would occur as a combination. There are two mood changes one is mania where children would feel sad and down and are more active than usual and depression where they would feel less active than usual this is called depression. Which are not the same as the normal ups and downs every kid goes through but with more in severity. The illness could affect the child performance to do well at school or to get along with friends and family members. Some times the illness could make them hurt themselves.
Depression is a severe mood disorder and it is the most frequently diagnosed psychiatric disorder amongst adolescents. Depression is a state that adolescents can fall easily into. Teenagers spend more time with their friends than they do with their families which can result is possible rejection of peers. Individuals feel the need to have approval of self-worth by their peers. If they get disapproval, this can lead to brutal symptoms. (Platts, Kadosh, Lau 6). The symptoms can vary from self-worthlessness, anxiety, or a
Clinical presentation of symptoms of depression in children and adolescents (not all listed in the DSM)
Being one of the most common mental illnesses, depression controls the lives of individuals all over the world. Whereas many would assume that only adults and teenagers suffer from depression, that is entirely false. Children are often told they are too sensitive when it comes to feeling depressed, which results in them suppressing their true feelings. Due to the fact that children are not taken seriously and lack the help they need, their mental health does not heal, which can result in other mental illnesses or even suicide.