Ken. I wonder if you could tell me a little about your depression? I wish my wondering was purely altruistic, but it isn't. Well that's not completely true, for as I frame in my mind what I may write the thought crosses my mind on how what I do write will affect you. Not to put too fine an edge on it, life's been rather intolerable this last year. I've become isolated and deeply depressed. This is an isolation which, I, myself, find hard to comprehend. I could run through the litany of awful choices that have been made and how low I have come, which is both at the core and also incidental to current thoughts of the unthinkable. If I could disappear, simply be erased, I'd welcome that beyond all else. But wishing doesn't make it so. On one hand,
Therapist: It’s nice to meet you Charlie. I’m very glad you are here today. Why don’t we start with you telling me what you would like to talk about?
Well Here it is Journey partners might as well settle in you're gonna be here a while. " NUMB" Gonna try to make this a shorter story... RIGHHHT.. lol Deep breaths here I go. Depression is one hell of a battle.
Joe listen to me these addictions will end up killing you one day. You shouldn’t be doing anything like this you’re way better than this. One day you’ll have kids of your own and they’ll look at you and you will end up in shock. Please stop all of this nonsense please I beg you my son. Don’t do such
Today, 350 million people worldwide suffer from depression, over 5% of the entire population on Earth (Healthline). While 5% may not seem like much, it is absolutely appalling to think that any one person deserves to feel depressed. Despite being apart of the human mind ever since creation, doctors and psychologists today are still struggling to understand what causes the mind to break down to a state of utter sadness and self loathing. Even more troubling is the fact that not many people, primarily parents, are exposed to the utter damage that the disorder may cause to their children. Unlike physical disorders, injuries, or other illnesses that attack the body, depression attacks the mind. Depression can take the brightest day and turn it
Hope(less) My eyes thrust open as I reel from the sinister nightmares that plague my sleep. The melange of pills I pocket were prescribed to cause their cessation, but the terrors persist. I was foolish to think that they could ever end.
“It gets better”, is always a cliché saying for someone with depression to hear. The constant reminder that it can just “go away”, but it doesn’t. It stays with you as long as you’re alive. When people say that they have a broken arm, everyone flocks to them, wanting to put their signature onto the cast. If you say you have depression, they run the other way. People don’t want to be around somebody, who is stereotyped to self-harm, always cry, and look sad. Depression isn’t always that case. It’s this feeling of constant sadness that you always mask over with a bright smile, broken eyes, and the daily “I’m fine”’s.
Depression is a mental disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. When people are depressed they feel down and lose interest in daily activities. It can cause many physical and mental health disorders such as cardiovascular problems and social disorders, for a couple examples. There are many different kinds of medications and therapies used to treat people with depression.In the book We Are Called To Rise by Laura McBride, three individuals lives were brought together by trauma and by coincidence. A main issue in this book is depression and this book McBride shows how a hospitalized veteran is affected and overcomes this issue as the book goes on.
So Mister T, another night of insomnia not unusual except it was you that I was thinking about , which to some degree was a welcome deflection from my usual reasons for not getting to sleep. One of my coping strategies has been to get up and write in the dark if I’ve been awake for more than 90 mins. It's 4.00am the witching hour between deep sleep and depressive wakefulness. The foxes are squealing (argh) the rain is lightly drumming my skylights (so lovely), it's one of the other reasons I bought this house and slept in the bedroom up 4 flights of stairs in my old house when I was on crutches! I so love listening to rain on the glass but still can explain why it makes me horny! Sorry, my brain is more monkey-like than normal.
I. Love. Panic!. Panic! At the disco, that is. There is something about lead singer brendon urie's voice that gets me every time and brings me to my knees internally sobbing. And now (not to brag or anything but totally to brag) i have seen them live 7 times.
"Men pray to the gods for health and they ignore that it is in their power to have it."
Major Depressive Disorder or MDD is a very common clinical condition that affects millions of people every year. According to the Agency for Health Care Policy & Research, “ depression is under diagnosed & untreated by most medical doctors, despite the fact that it can almost always be treated successfully.
feelings can linger for years. Depression is a social disorder characterized by a depressed mood
My depression is like a game, you get one life, one chance, if you win the game, you're free, if you lose, you start again. I found this game one day in December. I played the game without knowing its rules, with so much determination. I lost the game. I played again, when you think you’re going to make it, to be set free from this pain and sadness, something gets in the way, I was always so close yet too far.
1. No matter how hard we try to prepare ourselves for challenging experiences and try to stay positive, it becomes harder to do than planned when the time comes. It was the end of the last semester and I was on the verge of emotional depression that totally overwhelmed me. During the exam period, I wasted my weekends on the Internet, chatting and Facebook-ing. I needed to submit an important paper on Tuesday morning. On Sunday night, after wasting so much time of mine and having a little red eyes because of so much exposure to electronic screens, I sat down to write my paper. Only then did I realize that the paper was due the next morning, not on Tuesday. I was extremely nervous because it was too little a time to finish it. Moreover, I was so angry with myself that I wanted to cry. It was a realization that I was off course in my study habits and that I had not overcome my habit of willingly putting myself in difficult positions. The more I thought about being in that mess, the angrier I got with myself. I got even angrier thinking about how it was not the first time in my life that I put myself in such a situation. I could not concentrate on my paper because of that emotional response. Then suddenly I thought that I just needed to talk to someone and calm down. I called my classmate and just told her about everything. She said that the instructor had actually extended the deadline until Thursday. It was such a relief. I thanked her profusely and decided
Is depression a subject that people typically tend to brush aside? Rather than facing away from a serious issue that people suffer from in their daily lives, we should discuss the methods to help people with their struggle from depression. A common method to treat depression is the use of antidepressants. But are they effective? Do they cause more harm and danger than aid? Are there other methods that can provide greater improvement rather than a pill? Instead of using antidepressants there are other alternatives such as placebos and types of therapy that can be just as, or more effective than the use of prescription antidepressants.