
Depression Screening Methods: A Case Study

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According to Zaccagnini & White (2017) developing a budget is an important step in project management. The budget determines personal, materials, and financial resources that are available for the achievement of the project (Roussel et al.,2016). An estimate of the necessary budget as well as the individual’s time to be invested in the project is necessary so the organization can approve these resources needed for the success of the project. For this project, creating a budget, will allow the project champion and the stakeholders to know the costs of implementing the depression screening tools. They can then decide if they want to proceed with the project. The budget includes several different components: direct costs, indirect costs, in-kind costs, and supplies for the project. Justification of the budget is shown in Appendix C?? to illustrate individual costs that are associated with each of the components of the budget. The initial budget for this project is estimated at $13,319.62. The budget is reasonable and is consistent with the needs of the project to make the implementation of the depression screening tools successful. The success of …show more content…

According to the CDC (2017) logic models graphically represent the relationships between a project’s activities and their intended effects, state the assumptions that underlie expectations that the intervention will work, and frame the context in which the project operates. Logic models increase the likelihood that program efforts will be successful because they communicate the purpose of the program and expected results and describe the actions expected to lead to the desired results (CDC, 2017). The project’s logic model is displayed in Appendix? which explains the planning process and the intended outcomes. The logic model illustrates the lack of screening for depression in adult patients by primary health care

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