I knew from the very first minute that I would not like this place. You just get that feeling, you know? The feeling that you’re just going to have a terrible time and should back out as soon as possible. That was what I was suppose to be feeling. Feeling. I’m not really suppose to feel anything, as I am diagnosed as a functioning sociopath. Something that our culture has made to be evil characters in their twisted webs that they call stories. Isn’t that what I am? Another pawn in another murder story? Of course, my therapist says otherwise, but she is disgusting and doesn't know anything. You can see the whiskers on her upper lip move as she talks, or the fact that her whole mound of fat jiggles when she walks. That women is one thing that I am definitely not going to …show more content…
His name is Deroc Stardford, the most popular athlete in the whole school. He was looking for fresh meat, and I happened to be standing right there. We got into a huge debate about the ethics of picking on vulnerable freshman. “ I may have started the verbal fight, but he was the one that threw the first punch. Normally physical fighting is way beneath me, as I find it unnecessary, but this guy was just so arrogant. So I hit him back. The teachers got mad and sent us both to the office. I got off with a warning and a disapproving stare from the principal, who I am now pretty sure hates me.. The Jock wasn’t so lucky. He got three days worth of suspension. I don’t think this was his first offense. I guess I’m joining the baseball team. My gym teacher saw my curveball in class, and enthusiastically encouraged me to join the team. I personally didn’t want to, but the parents just had to butt in and accept the offer on my behalf. Apparently the teams been really hurting this season. Of course it is, the captions the The Idiot Jock. I’ll be replacing Alex, AKA the Jock’s Sophomore minion, the sucky pitcher they have now. I think I might have pissed The Jock off. Oops.
Only being the bat boy, Stanton had to bring his equipment to the ballpark everyday and go hit in the batting cages before the team showed up. Stanton thought to himself, “Why is coach asking me to swing in batting practice today? He has never done that once since I became the bat boy.” Stanton walked back onto the field and stepped into the batter’s box. Before Stanton even took a swing, he looked at the beautiful Marlins Park. Straight ahead was the bright, colorful outfield walls that were painted green. Stanton soaked in the atmosphere. While the batting practice pitcher went to throw the first pitch to Stanton, Johnny Field, the Marlins seventh round draft pick said, “Come on coach! You’re giving the bat boy a couple swings? Ha-ha that’s funny.” Just as Field finished his sentence, Scotty Stanton crushed the first pitch he saw into the left-center field gap, landing at an estimate four hundred feet. Coach Mattingly said, “Sit your ass down Field, we should have drafted this kid over you!” Stanton gave Mattingly a smile. Stanton continued to punish balls, smashing them all over Marlins Park. To others, it was just batting practice, but to Stanton, it meant more. It felt as if he had the game of baseball back in his life. When Stanton’s round was over, the Marlins players were impressed, besides the envious Johnny Field. One Marlins player even told Mattingly that this kid needs to be in the lineup. Mattingly
“I replied with Uncle Danny.” She said okay text me when it’s done. So we drove to the practice and started warming up throwing. After that we got in a huddle in I met the coach the we started practice. We were taking ground balls, pitching and batting practice. Once practice was over the coach said, I like the way you play but I wanna see you in the game. A couple days later I played in
Depending on the severity of the fighting and the swearing it may be necessary to refer the behaviour on to the Head teacher.
I was dropped off the travel baseball team? “How could this be” I asked my dad, he replied “I don’t know Josh you didn’t put that much effort into your last game and you don’t try in practice”. The travel baseball team is the most prestigious youth baseball team when I found out I had been dropped I was heartbroken I wanted to crawl into a hole and cry. My dad tried to talk me into trying to try out for different team I just turned around and didn’t say a word. I ran outside, grabbed my baseball glove and threw it in the pool I never wanted to see a baseball glove or bat again.
The hooper redbirds were having the first game of the season. I wanted to sign up so bad but I wouldn’t do any good. It was at their first practice. I was watching them by the bleachers think that I want to be out there so bad. I kept thinking till I got interrupted by the team, they asked “why aren’t you playing Bryton?” I said “it would do your team any good for me to what, just sit on the bench and watch all of you guys play?” “No Bryton you would play everyone gets their chance” “I’ll think about it, okay?” “well you better not wait too long before the sign-ups end” “I won’t” “okay”
Last year, I experienced something that changed my life forever. It didn’t make me a different person, it just changed how I viewed things in our daily lives. Last year, I volunteered with a group known as Challenger Baseball. Challenger Baseball is a program, that gives differently-abled kids, a chance to experience all the fun parts of playing baseball. Each player is paired up with an able-bodied buddy. Not only do the buddies help the players play baseball, but they are also there for the player to talk to. Last year, I volunteered to become one of these buddies. At first, I was a bit nervous, not knowing what to expect. However, that fear quickly turned into joy. The smiles on all the players' faces, was more than enough to get rid of any fear. Although
One of the best fitting themes for the book,”Schooled,” by Gordan Korman is that no one deserves to be bullied and people should be treated with dignity and respect. Many characters in this book either are bullied or bully others. For example, Capricorn Anderson tells Darryl that “Violence is not the answer,” (141). At this time, Darryl and Zach Powers are in a fight and Darryl seems to be getting nowhere fighting with his words so he decides to fight with his fist. Darryl doesn’t realize that Cap is standing in front of him and instead ends up punching Cap in the face rather than his main target, Zach. Cap knows that violence is not going to solve the argument and he tries to explain but that doesn’t get through their heads in time for the
Have you ever wanted to be in Williamsport playing baseball? Well, I have I’ve been practicing since I could hold a baseball. Now all my training paid off. I finally made it. So did my friend Johnny. Johnny and I made it to Williamsport on different teams. It’s the Elimination game. Who ever loses goes home. It was a close game. Until the 9th inning the bases were loaded. Jimmy was on 1st, Timmy on second and Joey on 3rd. I’m up - 3-2 count. Johnny is pitching. He throws me a fastball right down the middle.Crack I crush it. Going… going… gone! A walk off grand slam. We win! After the game we go shake hands with the other team. I come to Johnny. I put out my hand and he doesn’t even make eye contact. He just walks away. The
After that I New who I got I got mr.leeds a few months passed and mr.leeds told us to get in a line to play baseball and I got to go first on baseball I've never played I was so nervous and I Standard like how professionals do it and I hit the ball and luckily it went so far I got surprised I've never played it for so I ran and made a home run and then the next three Standard like how professionals do it and I hit the ball and luckily it went so far I got surprised I've never played it for so I ran and made a home run and then the next three classmates hit the ball they made it to one base next I hit the ball and hit it for again that's when I knew I could hit the ball really hard that's when I knew I had a passion for baseball I actually liked it it wasn't like basketball that I just wanted to play because I was bored I wanted to play because I liked it so I told my parents the next day if I could join a baseball team they said you've never played before how do you know how to play and I told them I played at school and they said it's not the same and I
It was a chilly Monday night as I finished putting on my baseball uniform. I was nervous because it was the championship game. We were playing our rival team, the Yankees. My close friend Tom was their pitcher, and he struck out a lot of people. Tonight, I was going to get a hit off of him. At least I hoped so. I heard a beep in the driveway and realized it was my mom who was ready to go. ¨ Coming Mom!¨ I shouted through the garage door. As I jogged to the car, I could not stop thinking about getting a hit off of Tom.
I turned and Chad was standing there. Chad said “I warned you, you cotton piker.” I naturally backed off because it was not worth fighting about. From that point on everyone considered me the “Wimp who can not stand up for himself.” For the rest of the year my life was a living hell. The only time anyone talked to me is when someone would make a racist comment. Half way through the soccer season I had to quit because I was treated like an outcast from my fellow members and the coach. Later on the year a kid named Matt Flyn made a racial comment. I was in such a bad mood so I punched him in the face. The fight was broken up right away, and we were both sent to the principal ‘s office. When we got there, I was the one that was punished and Matt was left off with no punishment. I found out later that week that the principal was racist against Hispanics. I had no idea what to do, so I just left it and told no one Both my parents and the school guidance counselor noticed that I was having some problems. I refused to tell anyone what was matter with me, and told everyone to just leave me alone. That was first time I felt worthless thing in the world. Just because I dated a white girl, and because I was Mexican they demoralized to me. About month a later, I looked at everyone that picked on me. I noticed that the kids. I went to school with were never taught what discrimination can do to someone, mentally and physically. In the world today, there are a variety of
There he was; just a little ways up ahead. Hanging around just outside little ol' Devlon's depot straight under the Dark of night like a good little buck. Hell from down the street right up until the headlights of my truck were straight in his face, and beaming the shadow of his tiny little body right up Devlon's wall. He. Stayed. Right where he fucking was and gave both me and my fucking truck the cold stare. Cos' he fucking hated my guts and even from way down the fucking road; he knew it was me.
Nothing beat the overwhelming emotion of stepping up on the pitcher’s mound and hearing the chant of my name, my heart clawing its way out of my chest. Before throwing the first warmup pitch, my mind raced through the entire season. How, as a team, we have made history winning all three major tournaments in the high school level. We had beaten many top competitors and lost plenty crushing defeats as well. My mind pondered, which situation will I be in today, glorious victory or destructive loss. This is the feeling I lived for during high school, it was my sole purpose. However, this was merely one minute of that fateful day in which I played prodigiously trying to win a baseball game.
I had brought an extra pillow and blanket on the trip, but never used it, so I just left them in my orange bag. Eventually I had gotten so sick of his foul insults, I decided to take action. I had my orange bag up in the top bunk with me at the time. So I gave my bag a firm grip, leaned over the edge of my bed, and gave him a good smack in the head. As I watched thrown back into the nearby wall, a smile swung across my face. Snotty Boy landed on the ground with a thud. He was yelling a few select curse words, and appeared to be in a daze. I then dropped down, and stood over him waiting for him to move. He tried to get up while yelling “What the f**k is wrong with you!” So I went right ahead and hit him in the face several more times. Each time his head was whipped in the opposite direction. He was down temporarily, but the fight was not over. There lay a pillow inside his zone of reach. He grabbed the small, insignificant pillow and weakly hit me in the legs with it. It appeared he was desperate to try and hurt me back, but at that point I knew that he wouldn't be getting up anytime soon. After the first few crippling blows, I smacked him once for every curse word that flew out of his mouth. I must have hit him upwards of 20 times with that bag, each time striking in a different spot. Everyone in the room was yelling and cheering as he was being beaten with a pillow and a blanket. I remember feeling really
"Marco," Star starts, her excitement beginning to dim as they walked on. "I 'm sorry, for this I mean." She gave a glance at the back of Marco 's head, stepping quickly to reach his side. "I never wanted this to turn out so badly."