
Descartes ' Proof Of The Existence Of God

Decent Essays

One of the most important ideas upon which Descartes’s proof of the existence of God rests is that rational minds face constraints. While God is the absolute infinite, humans and other beings exist with limitations on their actions. One of these limitations is human intellect, which Descartes names as one component of the cause of our tendency toward error as humans. The finite nature of human intellect, he argues, combines with an infinite will which causes us to seek an understanding of phenomena beyond our intellectual limitations. This is where humans make errors, according to Descartes. Although he argues that intellect is constrained in the face of free will, the presentation of intellect as a static limitation seems to fall short. Rather, it makes more sense to advance the idea of intellect as a dynamic concept which, although limited, is capable of advancing toward a greater, more accurate understanding of the mind and world. In his Fourth Meditation, Descartes aims to achieve a distinction between truth and falsity and, more particularly, what leads to human error and thus results in false understandings. In doing so, Descartes notes that humans make mistakes which is, of course, unarguably true. Very briefly, the idea of a demon-deceiver God is contemplated, but ruled out due to the quality of deceiving being an imperfection. This rejection allows for a discussion of how humans exist relative to a God that embodies the absolute infinite. In this discussion,

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