Come morning, many moms are faced with the challenge of brushing the teeth of a toddler. In theory, it may sound like a piece of cake but the reality, however, is very different. Many moms start their day with a lot yelling, fighting and tantrums all for the sake of oral hygiene. Toddlers are not miniature adults. Dealing with children is not difficult; rather, it is different from the way we would interact with an adult. The way they think and view the world is quite different from the way we do. Hence, in order to get through to them, we need to re-frame our minds and change our approach. It is necessary to communicate with toddlers in their own ‘language’. Toddlers tend to experience the world around them through their five primary senses, …show more content…
One trick that you can employ which really helps a lot of new moms is to buy different coloured brushes for every day of the week. The toddlers will love the bright colours and enjoy the fact that they have a new coloured brush every day instead of just a single one like everyone else. A lot of parents often use the trick of nursery rhymes to ensure that their kids are brushing their teeth for a stipulated amount of time. All you have to do is download a nursery rhyme that your toddler prefers and instruct them to brush for as long as the song continues. Once they get into a habit of it, they will naturally follow this routine and you won’t have to watch over them like a hawk. You can even use a different nursery rhyme for each day of the week to make it more enjoyable for your toddler. Or choose a different one for the morning session and the night session (if you manage to find that many!). Using toothpaste especially recommended for children also makes it quite fun. They generally have a sweeter taste than the minty ones that adults use and have fun drawings on their packaging. An additional way to make your toddler more interested in brushing is to let them choose the toothpaste they want. They will then look forward to using it the next morning. A simple trick, but quite
Ensuring children know about the importance of keeping their teeth clean and healthy from an early age is equally important. We must ensure they know how and when to clean their teeth and by the time they are older, brushing their teeth twice a day should become part of their routine.
You likely know that you should brush your teeth at for at least two minutes, two to three times every day. However, you may lack the motivation to brush after a long day and tell yourself that you can skip it “just this once” over and over. There are two smartphone apps that can encourage you to brush, and one rewards you with potentially lower dental insurance rates and the other with just a bit of fun.
If you’re looking for some creative ways to make sure your kiddos grow up with healthy habits and low-maintenance pearly whites, try these 3 tips from the family dentistry team at Sandra J. Eleczko D.D.S.:
The area’s leading children’s dentist knows that healthy dental habits developed early in life are the key to a million-watt smile. To help your kids avoid cavities, teeth fillings, and a fear of the dentist, the professionals at Charlotte Pediatric Dentistry share a few tips to encourage kids to develop healthy dental habits.
Let your child pick and and choose their next toothbrush. If they like their toothbrush, they will be more likely to use it. Keep up this good energy and allow your child to choose a new toothbrush every three months or so.
It all starts with your child's very first tooth! With regular checkups and cleanings every six months at Artistic Dentistry, your child will be well on his or her way to developing a fine set of adult teeth.
Most parents do not realise that baby teeth must be brushed and cared for as soon as they erupt. After all, a baby begins cutting their first tooth between five to seven months of age. During this period, teething begins and they will have sore and swollen gums.
Because children are influenced by the family tradition and learn from their parents, it is important for parents to make sure that they are teaching proper oral care habits at a young age. The habits that children should learn at a young age are; keeping up with home dental care, receiving the dental care that people should, needing dental care but being enforced to go, brushing teeth as well as they should, being taught on how to control snacking between meals as well as they should, and being taught that dental care is indeed important. " Poor oral health has an impact upon children's health in general and dental caries can lead to a lack of appetite, problems with chewing, problems with sleeping and a decrease in school performance" (Abanto et al, 2011). Proper health education is somewhat
Making toothbrushing fun is the key to promoting good oral hygiene. Try one of these tips if your child is a little reluctant:
Even before the infant begins to grow his or her own teeth parents can start by wetting a soft wash cloth or baby toothbrush and begin to clean their gums. At the age of one or whenever the first tooth erupts, the infant should be taken to a dentist. The dentist should go over on when to expect the infants’ first tooth and the best technique for brushing his or her new teeth. When two teeth form and begin to touch each other, it is suggested that parents begin the flossing process. They should also brush their infants’ teeth twice a day with fluoridated
Dental Hygiene is very important to me and has been since I was a child, this has influenced my desire of becoming a pediatric dentist. In a personal interview i conducted with Dr.Bills she informed me of this, “Dental Hygiene is emphasized by all dentists, we want our patients to have elegant white teeth and pleasant breath”(Bills). I would like to teach children the importance of keeping their teeth brushed so that they will have a beautiful smile and healthy teeth. Pediatric Dentistry is a superb fit for me because I care about dental health and I want children to know the importance as well. It is never too early for children to learn how important dental hygiene is.
Focusing on the creation of effective oral hygiene habits, the preschool cavity prevention program starts with the belief that tooth brushing, like hand washing, is something done multiple times daily to promote health and wellness ("Dental Health," 2015).
Many children find it far too strong taste of adult toothpaste. But yes, it is as well to let the kids brush their teeth with adult toothpaste as long as they have no special additives with additional grinding or bleach, for example.
They now begin to walk if they have not already, and are exploring their surroundings more and more. During this year, children become more independent and even start to rebel against their parents by being defiant. In this time, toddlers are able to recognize themselves in the mirror as well as in pictures and videos. Setting a good example is important in this stage because children at this age like to copy and mimic everything that is done or said. At this point, children are able to say some words and phrases and have an understanding of many things and what is being said to them. This is the stage that is important to use gates and other proofing devices to prevent injuries. They try different things to see what kind of outcomes will come from doing so. Trial and error becomes a great problem solving strategy. Finally, from eighteen to 24 months of age, now trial and error is not necessary as they can think about and perceive events. At this age, communication is produced by gestures and small words. They learn to pretend (Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011).
Brushing your teeth is a cornerstone of good oral health. Learn about the different types of toothpaste, and how to choose one that is right for you.