
Describe The Concept Of Childhood

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Describe the concepts of childhood and the evolution of this concept over time
Childhood is a very wide concept in itself and for many centuries researchers have tried to break it down by looking deeper into aspects of it, trying to elaborate on the definition of this concept. Allison and James described childhood to be ‘a complex phenomenon’ whilst other researchers refer to childhood as the stage that differentiates children from adults. Childhood should not only be seen as the stage between birth and adulthood, its complexity lies within the state and quality of the childrens life throughout that time.
The term childhood began to gain more recognition by the end of the 16th century and all of the 17th century. The notion of childhood was anatomized into different divisions, these ‘divisions’ are known as the developmental stages that are acquired at certain ages. Age is a very important concept in childhood, especially in the modern western society. As a matter of fact, schools are adjusted by specific ages, and children need to acquire a certain amount of knowledge by a specific age if that …show more content…

Throughout the history, we are able to see the way children were portrayed to be and this is mostly seen in the arts. A few types of children that were presented throughout the history are the following: the clergeon, the infant Jesus, and the naked child. The clergeon was believed to be a trained child that has to perform religious orders, ‘’the clergeons were children of various ages who were trained to make the responses in church and who were destined for holy orders’’, the infant Jesus which was ‘linked to the mystery of motherhood and the Marian cult’’. All sculptures and paintings that involved children began improving more by the end of the 12th-century and childlike features were finally

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