Hi Sam- Overall, I think this weekend went great except for Brooke not showing up to her schedule Sonny's shifts. To my understand, she will most likely not be with us anymore since she is no help to us and can't even show up to training unfortunately. Breaks have been covered all weekend and I made sure all opening and closing procedures were completed at both Sonny's and Mixx as usual. I did talk to Odalis and to make sure she was all set for her schedule for the next two weeks at The Grind and told her to contact me if she had any concerns. Her availability just needs to be updated for weekdays where she is scheduled at 3 p.m. due to school but she will be able to come in at 4 p.m. on weekdays which I told her for these scheduled shifts
Hi guys! This past weekend we were graced with a much needed fall break. After a few weeks of constant studying, it was nice to have a four day weekend to sit back and relax. After my two tests on Friday I drove seven hours to meet my dad and my girlfriend's dad in Pittsfield Illinois for a few day hunting trip at a lease that my dad has. It was a long drive, but it was worth it when I arrived to a 16oz prime rib at one of my favorite restaurants, the Red Dome. Unfortunately the corn and soybeans had not yet been cut around our farm so we did not see as many deer as usual, but we still had fun and relaxed for a few days.
I hope that everyone had a great weekend! There are a few things that have been causing issues with completing assignments. So going forward we all need to be following the same procedures as follows:
First, I must say, my week went well. My work stress level had dropped to low. In contrary to previously, I must say it was high; I was servicing users while multitasking projects; fulfilling so many requests expeditiously; and the list go on. As a result, there is no OT. I used to do many technical management, juggling important projects, important troubleshooting and satisfied many managers and users I served. Starting this week, I followed your recommendation to do the project you had given me and except support requests that assigned by you and side aside an hour every day to answer team’s questions.
I am so sorry that I could not have been on the call this evening. At this moment, I am going though intensive training until 10pm to be an Orientation Leader for this summer. I do hope that you all can understand my predicament.
Week nine at Wild Dunes Resort consisted of 5 mid shifts: 10:00AM – 6:30AM again. This scheduled compiled with the capstone course and the project requirements has been a challenge as I have no off days and am not allowed to ask for any until April 10th which marks the end of the official spring break season. Juggling and organizing and obtaining very little sleep has become the norm for this last semester at Trident. I am definitely anticipating the end of this semester so life can return to some form of normalcy.
This week was not too bad in regards to any of the work I actually needed to do. There are definitely some concepts that I think I need to improve my understanding but I think that I did take away what was available from the texts we were provided.
After my initial paperwork and scanning, I will then proceed directly to the Boardwalk Hotel, which is one of the areas that I will be working in as an employee to begin immediate training. My schedule for my first day is 9:00AM until 3:15PM and I am very excited and nervous as this day I have been anticipating has finally arrived. I have read over the policy schedule that Wild Dunes Resorts enforces for all reservations and I have researched the resort and the amenities available for each level of accommodation. I have also researched the packages that are available to guests and thoroughly read through the employee handbook. As the week progresses, I will update my journal with further updates and
Week 2 has been quite overwhelming. I did not have enough time to do my reading assignments over the weekend. I normally utilize Saturday and Sunday to do my research work and reading. Unfortunately, on Saturday morning, I attended a meeting that took half of the day, when I returned home my husband informed that he had invited our friends over for dinner as they will be leaving for Melbourne the following day. My house was a mess as it hadn't been cleaned the previous weekend when we were away. Thus, my whole Saturday was wasted on doing the trivial aspects of life. I missed church on Sunday so that I can catch up on my work and everything went well thereafter. I managed to complete my tasks. I found that a lot of students were divided when it came answering the forum discussion assignment on what would happen to bond prices if terrorism ended and countries adopted free trade. What's you take on this one?
I hope you are having a great week thus far. I just wanted to let you know we are not having new hires start on Columbus day and will be moving the first day of orientation to May 11th 2016. This will effect Matt.
Views “If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person's point of view and see things from that person's angle as well as from your own” (brainyquotes). In Tobias Wolff “The Rich Brother” and James Baldwin’s “Sonny Blues” it shows how a difference views of life can be the barrier between understanding one another. When you don’t try to understand another’s point of view, you may be missing the understanding from a different aspect. In “The Rich Brother” the short story is based on two siblings who live an opposite lifestyle and who cannot understand from the point of view of one another. One brother lives the rich, money hungry life, while the other lives a spiritual and subtle lifestyle.
The Harlem Renaissance was a time of revival and awakening in which the African American community produced a new form of cultural identity. After years of oppression and slavery, African Americans struggled to discover their own distinctive culture. It was through the literature and artistry of the Harlem Renaissance that the African American community began to express the suffering and resentment they truly experienced. In addition, the movement allowed them to find a way to escape their hardships. James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues” and Langston Hughes’ “The Weary Blues” address the addiction, poverty, and violence that surrounded African Americans and the triumph of life that was captured in their attempt to escape the suffering.
Sleep deprivation, vexation, feeling exasperated and a bit depressed; unfortunately, I feel every one of those today. Plans for Wednesday have changed for several reasons, each one respectively, due to either mum, Alexis, and myself; mine being a large monetary setback at USC this morning. In feelings and changes, I will work off the hours as I can this week, and try to have it finished by April. I would hate for a situation to arise, or yet another situation to arise rather, to come up, and still be jerking-off with this. With the blue-shifted deadline for those hours becoming bluer still, may be best to bite, swallow, and shit the bitter bullet and be done with it. Oh dear, proper British lady has crashed.
Authors across time have used various relationship models in their works of writing in order to communicate their beliefs about love. By examining the relationship between two unlike brothers in his short story, “Sonny’s Blues,” James Baldwin communicates his belief that the idea of love can save people. Jhumpa Lahiri, in her short story “Hell-Heaven” also shows that the idea of love can save people, but by the end the characters are only truly happy where there is acceptance. Both Baldwin’s short story “Sonny’s Blues” and Lahiri short story “Hell- Heaven” while culturally different, use the trials and tribulations of their characters to prove that the idea of love is a saving force.
Last, but not least, these next two weeks of material are going to be heavy so I'm hopeful everyone is taking special care of themselves to keep up the energy to finish strong. Remember to stay hydrated and get plenty of rest
I am currently having the best block experience I could ever ask for so I again (same as the weeks before) do not have any concerns at the moment. I think my mentor is the best fit for me and I am learning so much from her and the students. I really