
Describe The Different Areas Of Health And Safety In The Workplace

Decent Essays

It is an employer’s responsibility to make sure that the environment that their employees are working in is safe, the equipment they are using is safe and that anyone who visits the workplace is also safe. The last person who the employer is responsible for is the public, they have to make sure that the public is not affected by the workplace whether that be noise or fumes coming from the workplace. Employers must not put their employees’ health or safety at risk whilst at work. They must provide employees with training on how to do their job, how to do it safely and how to use any tools and equipment required to complete that job. They should also put up health and safety rules up around the workplace for their employees to know and follow. …show more content…

This can be in the form of a regular visit or a check up on how the company is doing health and safety wise. They can take statements off whoever they want, and they can check all the previous records. If they feel that the workplace is unsafe then they can close it down until a vast improvement is made but they can give the employer recommendations on how to improve the workplace health and safety wise. The last thing they can do is remove or destroy anything that is causing a risk to people’s health and safety and they can prosecute anyone who works with the work place who breaks the law. This also includes anyone who is self-employed or who is a supplier for the …show more content…

Sub-contractors are also responsible for all their own employees that they bring to complete the job and any tools that they bring with them. They must check that anyone that they employ to help with the job is competent and has the required training to complete the job. They must also make sure there is a toilet and washroom available for their employees. They must put something in place to stop members of the public accessing their place of work, this could be something like a fence. They must give clear instructions to everyone who is working on the job and work together with other sub-contractors who might also be working on the job. The last thing they are responsible for is making sure that the job is completed within the given timeframe. If not, they must inform the person they are working for in advance why the job will not be completed on

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