Describe the following web development tools:
• WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) editors are those in which content displayed during editing appears very closely to the final output corresponding to its appearance when printed or displayed as a finished product e.g. which might be a printed document, web page or slide presentation.
• Server side scripting is a method used in web development which includes employing scripts on a web server which creates a response customised for each user’s request to the website. The alternative is for the web server to deliver a static web page itself. Scripts can be written in any number of server side scripting languages that are currently available e.g. Netscape and JavaScript. Server side
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Browser compatibility checkers, check your page to see if it is compatible with various browsers. Checks include broken links or dead links, accessibility checker which checks to see if your web page is accessible to people with disabilities.
• File converters are programs that can convert files from one format to another file format. The most common types of conversions are usually video files. Types of video conversion include mpeg4, wmv, avi, swf, mov. Depending on where you want to view/play a file you may need to convert the file type to one that the software can play.
Explain how the following can affect website development
• Bandwidth is the amount of bits that can be over a network connection in a given period of time. It is usually measured in bits per second. Different connection types operate at different speeds for example dialup connections are normally limited to kilobytes per second whereas ADSL connections can reach up to 8 Mb/s. ADSL2 and ADSL2+ can reach speeds of up to 12 Mb/s and 20 Mb/s.
• The various content on a web page/site determine the load time of the page/site. What this means is that more graphics/multimedia bandwidth you use, the longer it take for your page to load. To reduce the time we should reduce the number of components and ensure all graphics are compressed before we use them. Research has shown that the majority of users will only wait a maximum of
Bandwidth: Is the bits per second that a link is capable of transmitting (ie: Exetel currently advertise their ADSL2+ connections to be up to 20,000/800kbps Download/Upload bandwidth)
In server-side rendering the client (browser) fetch the web pages from server over HTTP. In client-side rendering JavaScript running on the client (browser) produced or manipulates the DOM. All computers understand the JavaScript, because of this client-side rendering can be accomplished using JavaScript without sending the request to the server and waiting it response. The advantage of the client-side rendering is that the user can update the web page instantly when the user clicks on the any click event to update the information on the page rather than waiting few hundred millisecond to get response from the server and display the page in
Hello, today I will be writing a paper about the similarities and differences between the story Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka and the movie Billy Elliot. I will not be writing a comparison of the story, but of the two main characters.
The different formats in which text may be presented are they are font typefaces, headings, font size, effects (bold, italics, underline, etc.), colours etc. We can format the text in paragraphs, tables and columns. We can add bullets or numbers, headers and footers.
This is software or material that is available with the source, this allows users to copy the material and modify the material, the reason for this is because the creators would believe that if someone can edit the material for themselves it will be more useful to another persona and will also allow less
Download speed – the amount of data the user can download per second and is capped by their ISP. The slower the download speed for the user the slower the user can download the webpages and assets to view the website so the company will have to have to take their customers download speeds into account to decide what size of files is appropriate for their audience to access their website as quickly as possible.
Two techniques Correlation and Regression are used For Correlation the computation analysis between the median values of various complexity metrics of Web site and median values of Render End (Render Start) across multiple measurements of that Web site.This analysis tells the good indicator of time that requiresto load page.
Textedit was on top ranking (few years before) but Write 2 offers more important features, which make it easier to write than text edit. It is also designed to be a Word Processor rather than a simple “TextEditor”. However, TextEdit is better choice than write to because if you do not want to pay the money to purchase Write 2 you already have TextEdit free(free of cost). There are many similarities in features of Write 2 and that of Text Edit.
From 1930 to 1945 German theater and film held anti-semitic values depicting the Jewish populus as the leading cause of previous wars. Throughout this time movies such as Der ewige Jude and Jude Suß had large influence on the German people of both the war effort and the deportation of the so called undesirables, who led the country to the loss of the first world war.
Server Software: Web servers need to run software that manages access attempts to a website. When a user tries to access a website the web server software processes the access request and serves up the correct files that have been requested from the client’s machine. Examples include Windows IIS (internet information services) which runs on windows based web servers and Apache which runs on Linux based web servers. Server Software runs in the background and works over a network to allow a browser stored on a client machine to access the files that make up an eCommerce site.
Application servers: These servers use special tags within an HTML file to direct processing. They also can have hooks to call external programs to handle processing that is not built into the server, and they also separate developer and server portions into separate packages.
One could argue that coffee is one of the main things that keeps students going and keeps them being productive. Coffee helps students get to class and complete their assignments on time and beer helps them to unwind and socialize the other aspect of college. Our website orbits around the idea that college students need coffee and it's simply a matter of putting it right in front of them during the times that they need it the most that we can notably turn in high profits. A web development project is needed because this will more strongly link our consumer base to the brand. While we're certain to get a lot of unplanned traffic to our small satellites of our business, we want to establish a consumer base with a lot of loyalty. This is the key reason why a website it needed. A website will help us foster a base of customers and extend the loyalty of these students, giving them a sense of belonging to the brand, of the brand of coffee being personalized to them.
In this Assignment, I worked on Adobe Firework which is a powerful software to create , posters, Vector creation. there another which is knows pencil tool which is for marking things and creating some design .There is a text tool which help to make text and edit. In the text tool there are different type of font styles, sizes. The eraser is very powerful tool, this tool can erase any thing and helpful to crop the selective and have different sizes of eraser. So that is a very powerful tool for editing
•An explanation of the differences between client and server side scripting with examples of each. Consider the advantages and disadvantages
The way a nuclear power plant produces energy is by a process called nuclear fission which is splitting the nucleus of an atom. Fission turns water into steam and the steam makes pressure. Then the steam that is made turns a turbine that is connected to a generator and the turning of the turbine forces the generator to produce electricity (“Nuclear Fission”). The energy source for a nuclear power plant is Uranium and it is a very rare resource. Once it’s gone then it’s gone forever and when that happens then we cannot produce anymore nuclear energy. Depending on the demand of Uranium, it is estimated that this element will only last another thirty to sixty years. I am not for nuclear energy because I think that the cons out weigh the pros.