4. a. Describe the mode of conflict handling
Conflict is an active disagreement or struggle between people with opposing opinions, concerns or principles. It is an inevitable and unavoidable part of our everyday professional and personal lives. There are some reasons why conflict happened, like ambivalent responsibilities, personality clashes, competition for scarce resources, clashes due to behavioural styles and unrealized expectations. Kenneth Kaye once said, “Conflict is neither good nor bad. Properly managed, it is absolutely vital.” These conflict triggers needed to be comprehend in order to be able to handle conflict systematically. Conflict handling is the process of controlling the negative aspects of conflict while increasing the
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It used two dimensions to identify five conflict handling intentions that is assertiveness (the degree to which one party attempts to satisfy his own concerns) and cooperativeness (the degree to which one party attempts to satisfy the other party’s concerns). Competing is assertive and uncooperative. This is a power-oriented mode in which you pursues their beliefs at other’s expense, using whatever power seems appropriate to win your position. Competitive people perceive conflict as win-lose. Accommodating is unassertive and cooperative, the exact opposite of competing. You might neglect your own concerns to satisfy other’s concerns. Although there is an element of self-sacrifice in this mode, but it also take the form of selfless generosity or charity or obeying orders when you would prefer not to. Accommodating people perceive conflict as lose-win. Avoiding is unassertive and uncooperative, the person neither pursues his own concerns nor other’s concerns, and refuse to engage in conflict. Avoiding might take the form of diplomatically reasons, or to wait until a better time or maybe simply withdrawing from a threatening situation. They perceive conflict as
In Arthur Miller's play The Crucible, Abigail can be considered evil and her failed attempt to be good and pure was evident. Arthur Miller has portrayed Abigail to be unclean and the chaos of Salem, this is clearly shown from the very beginning of the play when Betty reveals to the audience, abigails truly malicious character saying, “you drank a charm to kill John Proctor's wife.” this quote outlines the truth of abigail's evil intentions and despite her obvious knowledge about what is right to do, she tries to guilt John Proctor into continuing their affair “You loved me, John Proctor, and whatever sin it is, you love me yet! John, pity me, pity me!” In this quote, Abigail tried to flatter john while also disrespecting Elizabeth Proctor.
Navigating the Different Responses to Conflict Conflict is an inevitable part of human life that produces a variety of responses that reflect the unique characteristics of an individual’s mindset and approach to the conflict. People exhibit a plethera of reactions when going through conflict, from composed conversations to ferocious protests. The manner in which someone chooses to deal with problems reflects their personality and attitude toward resolving conflicts. When you confront a problem calmly and with a positive way of thinking, you will be able to foster empathy and a sense of connection with others, while being able to express your viewpoint clearly. This will enable you to build strong and long-lasting relationships and settle conflicts without hurting you or anyone else.
Learning to communicate efficiently and manage conflict successfully is challenging. Gaining cooperation between people is complex and mentally demanding. Communication ways and conflict styles are deeply woven into our personalities. Conflict is the expressed struggle of interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, interference from the other party in achieving those goals, and the perception of scarce resources. Perceptions are just as important as reality in regards to conflict. As stated in the text, “we encounter conflict as we compete for acceptance, love, recognition, position, power, success, and many other goals. Judgments of the quality of
1. Concept: Conflict strategies are defined by two separate means: whether something is competitive/ nasty in nature or cooperative/ nice in nature and whether it is directly confronted or avoided indirectly. This creates four categories that that accurately describes how the conflict was handled as either direct fighting, indirect fighting, negotiation, or no-confrontation. The specific topic that will be discussed is Indirect Fighting in which the situation is avoided but in a competitive manner which conveys displeasure with the situation.
In Jack London's novel The Call of the Wild, a pampered southland dog, learns how to adapt and survive in the hostile North land environment because of his innate abilities of purse his abilities of perception , Strength, stamina, and cunning. To begin, Buck uses his intelligence and observational skills when he watches his sled mates live and thrive in these on unyieldingly harsh conditions.Further, he also uses his intelligence to learn the new laws of survival by relying on his observational skills and is able to adapt to the laws of club and fang. Most importantly, Buck’s strength, physical prowess, and unrelenting stamina prove him to be able to adapt to his new environment and survive on his own.
The desire to satisfy the concerns of others, which shows itself in non-assertive behavior. These represent two behavioral dimensions and provide the basis for conflict-handling modes.
The five conflict styles are based off and individual’s levels of assertiveness and cooperativeness and are listed as accommodating, avoiding, collaborative, competing, and compromising (Dunham & Griffith, 2015). With the mix of the individual’s assertiveness and cooperativeness it is determined how those people will react to others. For instance, someone with a low on both end of this spectrum avoid conflict. They will almost mouse away and shut down to avoid all conflict, as it is highly stressful for them and takes a huge emotional toll on their wellbeing. Then the accommodating one seems to be a lot like the avoidance one yet with a tiny bit more strength, if you will.
Behavioral scientists Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann, who developed the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, have identified five styles to responding to conflict—competition, collaboration, compromise,
The text book describes conflict as “a process that begins when one party perceives another party has or is about to negatively affect something the first party cares about.” There are different views on dealing with conflict. There is the traditional view that seeks to eliminate any conflict and the interaction group that seek to use conflict as a stepping stone to greater things. Conflict can arise in any situation and, following the managed conflict view, it is not necessarily something to be push under the table but something to
The five conflict styles are: competing, avoiding, accommodating, collaborating, and compromising (Griffith & Dunham, 2015). A competing conflict style creates a negative, aggressive, and uncooperative situation. This occurs when the supply of necessary materials is limited.
Conflict results from real or perceived opposition to one’s values, actions, desires or general interests. Conflicts may occur internally or externally between individuals or groups; conflict within a team environment can cause frustration, and occasionally anger. However, conflict resolution can also often generate positive results for the team. Conflict management skills remain in demand; conflict may be managed successfully by reaching an agreement that satisfies the needs of both the individual(s) and the team as a whole
What is conflict? Even something as basic as a universal definition for the word conflict seems to vary from source to source. A literature review focusing on conflict defined it as “the interaction of interdependent people who perceive incompatibility and the possibility of interference from others as a result of this incompatibility” (Brinkert 2010). Often times the disagreement results not from a concrete difference, but rather a difference in perception (Ellis & Abbott 2012). One of the most important factors effecting conflict management is the resolution style used. The most often used tool for classifying how conflict is managed is the Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (Iglesias & Vallejo 2012).
Conflict is a "state of disharmony brought about by differences of impulses, desires, or tendencies" (Rayeski & Bryant, 1994). Although many people and organizations view conflict as an activity that is usually negative and should be avoided, conflict is a natural result of people working
The avoiding style is used when a person shows little interest in the other party they are communicating with. This is used when often when interacting with a person you identify as an unimportant stranger, such as when you bump into a stranger in a crowd and apologize.
During the 18th century after the start of the slave trade in the Atlantic world, countries had transported 6 million Africans throughout the Americas and many other countries. This was the progress of what is today called the Atlantic world and the horrible creation of the trans-Atlantic slave trade. Slavery had multiple causes and had caused many horrible effects in the Atlantic world and made a world good for the Europeans and bad for the Africans and the Native Americans.