
Describe The Practice Event / Experience

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1. Describe the practice event/experience (Briefly introduce the agency setting and service user and carer group) The agency offers a range of service users to a range of people in need of support in Wales. It is non-profitable organisations and works in partnership with people to make positive changes in their life. It delivers services in a number of settings such as floating support, supported accommodations, nursing homes to various clients groups such as families, homeless, young people, people with mental health and people with learning difficulties. The latest estimate of the population of where the agency is located is 240,300 (Mid-Year Estimate, 2013). It now the second highest population of the 22 Welsh Unitary Authorities, representing almost 8% of the total population of Wales (3,082,400 (City and County of Swansea, 2014). Ms D was referred to the agency under NHS and Community Care Act 1990 s 47 NHS and Community Care Act 1990 s 47, which allows the agency to assess the needs of everyone that might be in need of community service. As it is the agency aim to care and support different people with vast needs in the community “To support and care for people, where they live and in their community, to enable them to enhance their wellbeing, feel safe and respected and to be more independent, empowered and included” (gwaliacareandsupport, 2015). KR 4 NOS 12, COP 3.1, 1.2 Ms D referral have highlighted high risk regarding her son of working lone procedure,

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