
Describe The Relationship Between Adams And Jefferson

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Adams and Jefferson’s friendship, with its marked decline and then reconciliation, serves as a great symbol for the broader relationships between all of the Founding Fathers. They encouraged each other in their writings and were proud to consider the Union as their life's work. By the election of 1796, after Adams dutifully if not reluctantly served two terms as Vice President while Jefferson was in “retirement” at Monticello, the two found themselves suddenly competing against one another in America's first Presidential campaign.
Adams gained fame as the “Atlas for independence” because he openly refused to reconcile with England, and because of his guidebook Thoughts on Government. Also Adams served as Chair on the Board of War and Ordinance during the most uncertain period of the war. Adams was elected Vice President under George Washington in 1789. According to the Constitution, the Vice President assumed two key duties: he would remain available if the President should leave his post or die; and he was to preside over the Senate, serving as the deciding vote in the case of a …show more content…

Abigail was central because John Adams was not a man who could easily collaborate. Because of his difficult personality, he tended to push people away. Adams’s pro-Hamilton cabinet opposed his every decision, and the newly elected president found comfort and consultation only from his wife.
Like Washington, Adams wanted the U.S. to stay out of foreign affairs, but largely under the sway of his pro-war cabinet, Adams built up the navy to increase America's defenses. His hopes of sending delegates to broker neutrality failed because of the instability of the French government. As he was officially neither a Federalist nor a Republican, Adams was also caught in the middle of this mud-slinging. Adams's disappointing tenure was also exacerbated was his

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