1. Describe your planning/intentions/goals going into this interaction I was in the Collin College’s library working on my sports management homework on the computer and beside me, I saw a guy working on a familiar homework that I have done in the past. At that point, I planned that I would talk to this guy about his work and what he thinks about that class. One of my goals was to keep the conversation as short as possible because I didn’t want him to be distracted from doing his homework. More on, I also had to finish my own homework so time was limited. My other goal was to give the student an advice on how to succeed in that class. This
2. Record below the approximate details of the interaction (what was said, nonverbal, etc. etc.) I actually started off the conversation by telling the guy that I have done that homework before and then I later introduced myself. He was happy to hear that I took critical thinking class before because he was struggling in that class. Therefore, he introduces himself to me and from there the conversation proceeds. Ali told me
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It was surprising to me that the conversation will go off-guard because I was not expecting to have sports talk with him and my plan was to keep the interaction with in five minutes limit. However, that turned out to be impossible when we started our discussion on cricket. As of our interaction, I learned that a person that shares the same values as others is most likely to have a long conversation than a person who does not. More on, I to was able exchange my contact information with Ali by the end of our conversation and that made happy because I made a new friend. Even though I failed to achieve in one of my goals, I did succeed in completing the other goal and that was to him an advice. Next time, the thing I might do differently would be to try not to get off topic when it comes to small
One last nonverbal observation I will mention is that of Person A’s posture. He generally sat hunched over the table, rarely sitting up straight. Combined with the other nonverbal observations, this posture suggests he wanted to be as near to Person B as possible.
because of the information but because I feel like I made eye contact and spoke very
5. What nonverbal communication skills and strategies could be used to communicate effectively in this situation?
First we started in introducing ourselves to each other. We used informal language to start of just to get confortable with each other. After that during the interview she was very comfortable and I was also comfortable the interviewee helped me with some pronunciation of some words. Starting small talk together just getting to her know more I ask her a little bit about her background and as we relate to the some things. She did most of the talking I tried not to make the questions too brief for her.
1. Describe the most difficult one-on-one meeting you have had with a supervisor or professor. What specific actions did you take? How did you bring the situation to successful closure?
3. Explain why it is important to observe an individuals reactions when communicating with them.
3) Explain why it is important to observe an individuals reaction when communicating with them
Establishing a good rapport with you, showing you respect, listening carefully and speaking clearly and in language you can understand would have contributed to the effectiveness of the interaction.
As an observer, I could tell Person A was deeply involved in the conversation at all times. I also took note of Person A’s facial expression throughout the observation. Person A was generally smiling throughout the evening, clearly enjoying himself. I could observe many times of laughter, and took note of no negative expressions.
I asked her what strategies’ will help me be more successful in her class? Jodi advised me to have good time management and stay on top of the assignments
I ask another student what do you feel about someone so talkative taking on this project her answer was
Two main topics that should be avoided are religion and politics. The foundationalist’s view should not be considered here since everyone’s justified beliefs on these topics might vary. The intent of small talk should basically be to get to know someone better, keeping in mind other peoples feelings. Raised emotion may arise if one of these topics is brought
I believe being aware of my body language will help defuse some emotional distress that my player may still be feeling. I must remember not to have contradicting body language because negative or inconsistent body language can create a defensive atmosphere and this is something I want to avoid. I believe being aware of my body language will help defuse some emotional distress that my player may still be feeling. I want my body language and verbal communication to complement each other. I don’t want this conversation to have a negative impact on my player because he may lose his confidence because he was expressive or he may not want to talk with my again because he may believe I’m unapproachable. I have to communicate what I interpret his action to represent at the time of the incident. Again, I need to inform him that this meeting is solely to rectify his behavior so an incident such as this will not happen again.
Describe the personal variables that contribute to the interpersonal communication behaviors you saw in this situation.
the situation (“What happened before we got here?”) or why Maranda might think Steven was cheating her, ex. “Do you two have separate vehicles” (which was preplanning) etc. I asked about the location and name of the person that Steven could stay with. As previously mentioned, I would keep a subtle and empathetic tone, as well as used empathetic statements such as “You care about what is happening”. The open palm hand gestures I used during my explanation of what Steven could do now and later, and the questions in general, showed I was listening and engaged. I asked, “Is there somewhere you can go to let things cool down” and “You guys can talk later and try to resolve it” demonstrated I was listening, communicating, and trying to problem solve. Safety was one of my priorities; soon as I met Steven, I asked if things were alright and if he could come out of the bedroom instead of going in. I removed some trip hazards off the floor when Steven was gathering his possessions, which was good. The communication between Tanner and I was clear and well timed, I told Tanner about Steven leaving, where he was going, that their vehicle was staying, who Steven was staying with, and that I was outside the house.