Describe the Functionalist, Conflict and Interactionist approach to the Socialization of Education. Education - A Functionalist Perspective Emile Durkheim proposed an explicitly functionalist explanation of the role of education in society. The major function/task of education was, according to Durkheim, the transmission of society 's norms and values. Durkheim considered that all societies must have means of passing on their norms and values to the young. If they did not, they could not continue. Such transmission then is a "functional prerequisite", and it is the educational system which has the job of carrying it out. Or at least this is so for modern industrial societies, says Durkheim. (In "traditional" societies - in pre-industrial …show more content…
Indeed, the school is society in miniature; as such it demands that individuals follow rules of conduct so that the organization / school can continue to function and to carry out its responsibilities. Summary For Durkheim, modern education has two functions: - The MAJOR function is the transmission to the young of cultural norms and values. Here are included all manner of beliefs. - The teaching of skills so as to occupy a position in the modern division of labor. Education - A Conflict Perspective (Marxist) For Marxists, the analysis focuses upon the workings of the CAPITALIST economic system and the degree of conflict within society between social groups, notably between the ruling, capitalist class and the working class. The Education System is seen as a tool by which the working class are kept in their place, in a position of subservience, exploited and oppressed. They maintain that education reproduces the social class structure: or more simply education promotes the interests of a society 's power elite and perpetuates a society 's class divisions. They say this is accomplished by the Hidden Curriculum - where teachers insist on "proper" English and good "manners" from students with prosperous backgrounds because the teacher knows where they are headed. Lower status children are not encouraged to use these skills by the teachers and are destined for low status positions. Therefore they are blocked from higher education. Education - The Interactionist
For instance, when it comes to mathematics, teachers prefer to teach students the steps to a problem rather than to find the theory behind it- explaining why a specific formula may be used. Teachers are negligent and decide to take the “easy way out” and instruct students to use a method and solve it with the given steps. Similarly, English classes are taught in the same manner as Mathematics. Typically, students are enforced to read and learn how to use proper grammar- identifying where to insert commas, quotations, capitalizations, etc. With the education students receive in this school students, they will not have the sufficient knowledge to obtain a desirable job in the future. The students from the working-class will only have the capacity to achieve blue-collar employment because they were trained like robots to become an employee rather than become somebody’s head employer.
Medicare is a health insurance program purposely created for people over sixty five (65) years of age. However the service is open to people with certain disabilities or permanent kidney failures. The process of choosing the right Medicare involves having to weigh different plans on account of benefits of their cover. Different types of Medicare plans are important in: Inpatient hospital care, outpatient services, doctor visits, home health care, prescription drugs, and care in a skilled nursing facility among others. In addition, the program covers the cost of health care but does not cover all medical expenses including cost of long term care. If one ought to choose an original Medicare coverage, one may buy a Medicare supplement policy from a private insurance company to aid in coverage of costs that are not supported by Medicare. Most of these Medicare expenses are covered by a part of the pay role offered to workers by their employer. This paper covers different Medicare plans; A, B, C, D and their influence towards my decision on the best preferred option.
Virginia is in the coastal lowlands and wooded mountains. The colony of Virginia was the first permanently settled English colony in North America.The colony’s name was named after Queen Elizabeth I. Sir Walter Raleigh discovered the colony and claimed it for England in 1607.
Marxism is based on the macro theory which, like functionalism, is concerned with the structure of society. Marxism explains inequalities in societies such as the UK by examining the ways in which the bourgeoisie exploit and oppress the working class or proletariat. Inequalities are a result of the economic arrangements people make to meet their basic needs. Bowles and Gintis used Marxist ideas to explain how the education system reproduced the ideas of the ruling class and legitimated inequalities. They argue students’ experience of schooling is an alienating one. School specifically prepares students for their future as workers in a capitalist system. They argue that school does not
The neo-Marxist Althusser (1971) disagrees that the main function of the education is the transmission of common values. He thinks that education is an ideological state apparatus and its main function is to maintain, Legitimate and reproduce, generation by generation, class inequalities in wealth and power by transmitting capitalist values disguised as common values.
The role of education is to educate individuals within society and to prepare and qualify them for work in the economy as well as helping to integrate individuals into society and teach them the norms, values and morals of society. Yet there are three sociological theories that differ greatly between them on the role of education. These are Functionalism, Marxism and Liberalism.
The specialised critique of capitalism found in the Communist Manifesto (written by Karl Marx and Fredrick Engels), provides a basis for the analysis and critique of the capitalist system. Marx and Engels wrote about economical in relation to the means or mode of production, ideology, alienation and most fundamentally, class relations (particularly between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat). Collectively, these two men created the theory of Marxism. There are multiple critiques of Marxism that attack the fundamental tenants of their argument. Several historical events have fueled such criticisms, such as the fall of the Soviet Union, where Marxism was significantly invalidated and condemned. On the flip side, Marxism has been widely supported in times of capitalist hardships. What viewpoint a person will hold towards Marxism is largely dependable on the economical environment in which they live. Further, it is also important to remember that Marx and Engels lived in a very different era than today’s society, and the concept of capitalism may have arguably changed quite a lot over time. Therefore, the principles found in the Manifesto may often have to be refurnished and reapplied to fit different economic environments.
AQA AS/A SOCIOLOGY ESSAY: CRITICALLY EXAMINE MARXIST PERSPECTIVES ON TODAY’S SOCIETY Classical Marxism is a conflict structural theory which argues that, rather than society being based on value consensus as functionalists would contend, there is a conflict of interest between different groups (social classes) because of the unequal distribution of power and wealth. Marxists are also interested in the way in which social change can occur, particularly in sudden and revolutionary ways. However, there are differences between Marxists especially over the way which social change can come about. For example, humanistic Marxists like Gramsci give a greater role to the conscious decisions and actions of human beings than do structural Marxists
A functionalist named Emile Durkheim believes that the education system introduces the importance of social solidarity in people. He says 'Society can survive only if there exists among its members a sufficient degree of homogeneity; education perpetuates and reinforces this homogeneity by fixing in the child from the beginning the essential similarities which collective life demands.' So he believes that social life would be impossible without social solidarity amongst people. Social solidarity is when a mass of individuals in a society is united as a whole, and when people learn to respect their community and look after one another and their surroundings. Education teaches people this at an early age, by giving history lessons because this provides a link between the individual and the society in which they live in.
Great job with your post. I really liked how you discussed the speakers, tone and diction as these are important persuasion tactics. Also, I enjoyed the Ted Talk you chose. It was very interesting and she did a great job utilizing the persuasive cannons. I agree that the implicit argument of the UALR web page is to make an impression of what the institution is like. It gives you so many different options about campus life, and there is a tab to inform potential students of their academics that are
Karl Marx, also a philosopher was popularly known for his theories that best explained society, its social structure, as well as the social relationships. Karl Marx placed so much emphasis on the economic structure and how it influenced the rest of the social structure from a materialistic point of view. Human societies progress through a dialectic of class struggle, this means that the three aspects that make up the dialectic come into play, which are the thesis, antithesis and the synthesis (Avineri, 1980: 66-69). As a result of these, Marx suggests that in order for change to come about, a class struggle has to first take place. That is, the struggle between the proletariat and the capitalist class, the class that controls
Functionalist one of the “theories” of sociology are mainly concerned with the function of education to society and to seek solution to the following questions, “what is the relevance of education to the social system and “what are the relationship between education and economic system”.
The structural-functional theory also known as functionalism is sociological theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. Functionalists view education as a contribution to the smooth inner working of society. Education is a lifelong process, we are constantly learning new things and deepening our knowledge of things we already know. The education system works to prepare individuals to become fully functioning members of society. It works to teach people certain skills that will help them to be successful in life. However, education not only teaches people the skills they will need to be successful in life, but it also teaches them how to be decent citizens and to work well with others. Many people view education are a service to the overall function of society.
The most important information in the article is that capitalism causes extremes in social economics. There are those that are very rich and those that are very poor. The poor then are left with unrest and desire for that which they do not have. Education will equip then with the tools they need to escape poverty and be able to coexist with those in other social extremes. "The founders of the modern US school system understood that the capitalist economy only produces great extreme of wealth and poverty of social elevation and degradation" (p.362). "Education, then, beyond all other devices of human origin, is the great
Having attended public schools throughout my childhood and adolescence, I never was familiar with the term functionalism and its many elements. After observing and analyzing my field placement classroom I have come to understand the concept of functionalism to some extent. In general, functionalists “see schools as serving to socialize students to adapt to the economic, political, and social institutions of that society” (Feinberg, p.6, 2004). They also theorize that in order for societies to survive, they must carry out vital functions such as, attaining fundamental knowledge and acquiring essential skills and proficiency, acknowledging certain norms and values within their community, and recognizing authority figures. It is also