r 2017
“My favorite holiday” Christmas is my favorite holiday of the year. I love seeing the shinny Christmas lights that decorates my street and the sound of fresh fallen snow on the ground. Christmas reminds me of family, the laughter and loved we shared, and the gifts we gave to each other. My house on Christmas became the center of my joy. I remember waking up on Christmas day with a huge smile on my face, heart full of joy, and my stomach barking. I can smell all the spices cooking down stairs. As soon as I got out of bed I will rushed down the steps into the kitchen to see what my mom had prepare for us on this special day. We had different variety of food turkey, stuffing, ham, bake beans, mac and
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Me and my older cousins drag the box outside onto the front porch. As I begin to open the box my hands started trembling. I couldn’t tell if my hands were shaking from the excitement or because it was five degrees outside. It took us two hours to put the hoop together. Our lips felt like icicles we were numb from head to toe, but it was worth every moment. It was the most beautiful basketball hoop I ever seen. It was candy apple red and the backboard had lights on it just in case I wanted to play in the dark. I thought Santa Claus gave me the coolest gift in the world. Later on in the evening I use to enjoy sitting in our cozy living room while, the fireplace was burning sipping on hot cocca and scoff down ginger bread cookies we made the night before. My family was always exchanging jokes. My brother Tito and my sister Titania love joking around, but my brother was a lot funnier than my sister. He was the jokester in the family. I remember this one particular joke my brother said about my aunt. He said she had a temptation hair style. I was hollering it was so funny because when you looked at her hair it did remind you of the singer group the Temptation. You would of thought she was a member of the group. I was laughing so hard tears were running down my face and I urinated a little on myself . My brother always made holidays so much fun. Christmas was very special to me because the feast my mother
Christmas Carol How does Charles Dickens convey the character of scrooge in the early pages of a Christmas Carol? Charles Dickens, is best known for his host of distinctively cruel, repugnant characters. His father was sent to a Debtors prison taken his son Charles with him
Christmas like Thanksgiving believe it or not, do happen to share many traits. One major factor that the two own is the warmth and love of bringing family and close friends together. It’s the few times a year that everyone has a reason to all gather around to
Christmas, the pinnacle of every holiday and the one day in the year where families gather around, exchange gifts, and honor the birth God's son. This would be the meaning of Christmas for most families but... my family's another story. You see, my cousins make a trip from Texas to North Dakota to visit us for Christmas every year. I know what you're
Christmas is the sight of homework spilling on to the floor of the mass amount in the Christmas feelings of warmth and comfort with homework.
Christmas, everyone who celebrates it loves it. Well one of my Christmas’s was so important. You know that feeling where your tingly wondering what you got and putting out milk and cookies for Santa. It was a truly happy time especially the wesel 2007 Christmas. why is it so special well that's the Christmas when our dog was brought to us and it was lovely. In 2007 my parents decided to have Christmas in Florida because we have a house there. We asked for some toys and the usual stuff that six through ten year olds get for Christmas but what we wanted the most was a dog. We pleaded and pleaded and we were extra nice. We watched A Charlie Brown Christmas and that was really fun but what was in my brothers mind was getting a dog.
Christmas and Thanksgiving is a time of year when a vast majority of people are happy and/or festive, I am one of those people. Many families have traditions around the Holidays meaning something they do every year some go pick out a tree others hang stockings, however my family is different.
Personally, there is nothing else that motivates me immensely to spend time with my mother and father, to enjoy, and plan in ahead to go out for shopping. Even more, surprise our loved ones with an unexpected gift; also design with the family every detail of the celebration, so that in fact it will be a tremendous day for adults and children. At the same time, share with good friend’s precious moments and thank them for supporting me in the less jubilant time, accompanied by a warm and sincere hug. In the same way, I will enjoy my nephews to the maximum; helping them to place some milk and cookies under the tree to feed Santa Claus if he decides to pass by to check how they are doing at home and school so that he can surprise them with their favorite toys. As a tradition in my family, carefully my mom and I will have to hide in the room, where we will pack the presents so that at night without anyone seeing us put all the gifts under the tree, and let in the hanging stockings a dedicated Christmas’s card with some chocolates or candy canes. Therefore, on Christmas Eve my dad or my brother will disguise as Santa Claus to surprise the children at their most desired moment throughout the
Christmas is about friend and family come together and celebrate the holiday. It is about caring about each other and joy. People celebrate Christmas different because of race or religion. Some people open one present at midnight then wait until Christmas morning to open all. Christmas is about giving and receiving.
Throughout the world there are many holidays that connect with people’s culture. Since you live your daily life in the same culture you may not notice that you have certain ways or traditions of doing things. For me Christmas has large role in my culture. It has a specific meaning to me and my family, it helps us connect with one another while enjoying family favorite recipes.
Everyone has a favorite holiday, mine happens to be christmas. Christmas is not just fun and games, it has a lot of history behind it. For example, traditions, Christmas around the world, and Christmas in the past.
It was Christmas eve, the smell was amazing! My mom’s Christmas cookie yankee candle was burning and the smell was still lingering from where me and my mom baked cookies and brownies to eat on christmas morning. I was in my room where I couldn’t go to sleep, My TV was still running hallmark christmas movies and I heard yelling from my parents bedroom but I was too comfortable to get up so I brushed it off and I finally told myself to get some sleep for the long and exciting morning that was just a couple hours ahead of me.The next morning was christmas morning I was wearing my favorite pajamas, a long-sleeve black shirt with two glittery hearts in the middle and my matching long black pants with red, pink,and white polka dots but
On Christmas Eve, I went to Tennessee and did early Christmas there and then I came home,but I was at home thinking and wondering was Santa real or not. I knew Santa was real because all the other Christmas eves and gave me many things. So I went in the living room and hung up my stocking above the chimney in the living room. I was just waiting on Santa to fill up my stocking and leave all the gifts under the Christmas tree. Every time I walked into a store in town I would see Santa pictures on the walls. It was very hard to believe if Santa was real or not it took me a long time to figure out he was. I was stuck on that subject for almost one hour until I finally believed that he was real.So when I went in my bedroom I heard a little squeaky voice and I followed it. I went onto the porch and put my old gray shoes on with a light and I traveled into the forest and through knee deep white snow. It took me a long way until I reached a very big wonderful place.
Twas the night before Christmas, pale and yellow moonlight illuminated a house deep in the woods. Tall pine trees surrounded the house, like giants pointing at the inky black sky. Flurries of snowflakes swirled in a hurry around the house. The house stood alone and abandoned, adorned with Christmas lights, but not the ones you would see on any ordinary house. Some lights were fading, once bright and colorful but now a former shell of what they once been. Others burned out in a spark while the ones left were shattered. The front door was decorated with a rug that could be mistaken as an animal. The tree inside the house was not in the most pristine condition, either. The tree slumped in a dark corner. The top of the tree stretched out like bony fingers grasping at the air. The shiny, glinting ornaments that once fashioned the tree were now shattered. The wallpaper plastered to the wall was now peeling off, like it was rotting. The paint on anything on the house was now faded and chipping away. Stale air filled with dust occupied the house. The house was indeed creepy and not in the most pristine condition. Even more mysterious, the house would only ever appear on the night of Christmas Eve. Despite this, many local teenagers and explorers were drawn to the house. Anyone who was brave enough or dumb enough would enter and see the house in its deteriorated state. One Christmas Eve night many years ago, an explorer had stumbled across the house. He had been in the snow for what
I looked out the living room window and saw my parents hanging up our Christmas lights in the soft, falling snow. The aroma of gingerbread cookies floated in the air. I was wrapped up in a fuzzy, red blanket lounging on our black, leather couch, watching the Christmas special on tv.
Every year, I am out and about my Christmas decorations. Up on the roof, down on the porch, up on the 25ft ladder and inside the bushes. It is 2014 and my dad and I go Christmas lights shopping. After that, he is gone and I’m by myself in a thick puffy jacket, shivering, and losing feeling in my fingers. It is a painstaking task just to disentangle the 150 feet long strand of christmas icicle lights. Then you have to be very careful making sure that none of the lights are breaking because you are dangling the entire strand from the box to the roof. It is a dangerous task to be done alone. I carry the ladder everywhere I go and slide the box along side. Nails have to be hammered, the thousands of mini strands of lights need to be straighten out after being in the box for a year. Then as you hang it up, some nails decide to pop off and forces me too look around in darkness. After all the lights are nailed in, stretched out, and working properly, you soon found out that the end of the 150 feet strand of lights is actually the front. With no way to