Halloween. Halloween is a favorite time of year for many children. It is the time of year when the air gets crisp and the leaves get crunchy. All the warm smells of cinnamon and pumpkin come out, and the sticky, sweaty clothes are replaced with warm, cozy sweaters. Kids have been waiting all month for the one night where they can eat as much candy as they want, and talk to strangers! Everyone pities the kids who don’t dress up and pass out candy. But this year, they’re the lucky ones. It was Halloween night, 2016. Matthew and his friends were getting ready to go trick-or-treating. Matthew was super excited, Halloween was his favorite holiday. Matthew was in the 7th grade. He had bright blue eyes and auburn hair. He had freckles that covered the top of his nose, right about where his glasses sat down. His voice was somewhat deep, but still had that middle school puberty sound. He was about the height of his mother, but was still an ant when compared to his dad.
Matthew was 13 years old, it was his first year being an official “teenager.” He was hoping his parents would let him go out with his friends instead of being babysat by his parents. His friends have been making fun of him for a couple of years now, for they had been allowed to go by themselves since they were eleven. This year, Matthew made the executive decision, go with his friends, or don’t go at all. But it all lied in the hands of his parents
“It’s now or never.” Matthew thought. “Try to act as mature as
Article: "College athletes are being educated, not exploited." CNN Wire, 30 Mar. 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A447834169/OVIC?u=lees33148&xid=2b3ade47. Accessed 16 Feb. 2017. (All quotations are from article listed above.)
Halloween is the point at which you cut Jack o' Lanterns out of pumpkins, design the house with a ghoulish topic, parties, and go trap or treating way to entryway wearing ensembles. Halloween is praised by both kids and grown-ups. Kids spruce up in
Purpose: To inform the audience of how Halloween started and transformed to what it is now.
Every year millions of kids get dressed up, knock on doors, and beg for candy. With Halloween just around the corner, you all are probably wondering where this strange tradition came from. Every year I have experienced this holiday and have done research on this topic. According to a 2014 Smithsonian.com article, stated by Natasha Geiling, in just one year Americans spent over six billion dollars on candy, costumes, and ghoulish decor in anticipation for Halloween. Many people think all Halloween is about dressing up and going trick or treating but there's more to it than that. The roots and variations from all around are what makes Halloween what it is today. In order to understand this holiday, we will go into the history of Halloween, how it's celebrated around the world, and superstitions revolving it.
Waylon and his older brother Jesse were spending another Halloween pounding the pavement. It was getting dark and cold. Mom and dad sat in the minivan across the street as the kids knocked on doors and did their best to scare the residents of Tucson. Waylon was dressed as SpongeBob, while his big brother had dressed up as a pirate. Of course Jesse was the best he told everyone so.
Halloween: the holiday where as kids we couldn’t wait to go door to door to achieve the golden goal of a full bag of candy. Halloween soon turns into a question mark for teens; in an instant, there is a change of when it is ‘appropriate’ to go trick-or-treating and when you should just move on. Are you the one who thinks Trick-or-treating is lame or the one who still walks around your neighborhood every year -- no matter how many dirty looks you may get. What teenagers decide to do on Halloween varies: going to a party, passing out candy, staying home are a few popular options. Throughout my highschool experience I have been able to witness and experience all different types of halloteens, each with their own traits.
Halloween is just around the corner and many kids are excited. Humans across the United States are preparing for the holiday by buying many things. People are buying costumes for trick or treating, lawn ornaments to put in their yard, and candies such as skittles and m&ms to hand out to kids. Some of the most popular lawn ornaments this year are tombstones, skeletons, and like almost every other year your classic Jack O'Lantern. There are also many new costume ideas this year including super hero and pokemon outfits. Except with the new clown sightings, many parents are worried for their children's safety, causing them to limit their children’s time out on the streets. Also some are choosing not to let their kids go at all.
It might just seem like an ordinary porch but look longer and the senses will come to you.Here memories fill my brain of home.Behind the glass I hear the voices I love smell the tempting smells of my moms cooking.Halloween has passed and thankgivng is approching but the pumpkin still remains smooth on the outside and hallow on the inside.Sitting here is as calm as ocean breeze home for me is calming and for everyone else it should be too.As winter approches I hear the wind stirring the leaves the wind stirs the leaves like a witch stirs her brew on Halloween night.The senses start to flow and come together like a large puzzle.I sit pondering my thoughts in that old woodden rocking chair as it rocks slowly back and forth.The cement beneath your
Halloween is a night of sweets, outfits, and fun that exclusively comes around once per year on October 31st. This is a period when individuals get an opportunity to dress up and be somebody or something else. Individuals can go to parties, haunted houses, or go trick or-treating. There are things to people do no matter their age. Halloween is filled with rich with history, old religious convictions, and stories.
With Halloween coming near, we all get busy preparing for all the excitement it brings along with it. Everybody in the family including your pet doggy is all excited about Halloween. Earlier, families having pets would leave them at home because of lack of Halloween dog costumes available in the market. Today all dog lovers are so enthusiastic about their pets taking part in Halloween celebrations as part of their own family. There are many pet parades and competitions arranged during this festive time and everyone loves to dress up their dog as per the festivity. In fact, one need not go far searching for the right Halloween dog costumes for their furry friends as the Internet is full of creative dog boutiques that specialize in such costumes and more.
To me, the perfect Halloween would be pumpkins, candy, family, and spookiness. The best part about halloween are the movies. Every year my mom and I watch Hocus Pocus. Every year we notice the bloopers in the movie. It is so fun to spot the problems.
There are several ways you can have a hauntingly fun Halloween sober. While participating in the festivities is a must in order to feel a part of the celebration and not isolated, you need to choose the activities you attend or host carefully. Here are creative ways you can celebrate Halloween that focuses on old-fashioned entertainment while keeping sober:
Its getting late and i didn't know what to do. I've been sitting in my cozy room down stairs with my tv and phone in my hand for what seems like hours but have couldn't be because I just ate dinner. I can hear everyone's footsteps and low voices above my head going down the stairs right now. Getting up off my bed and turning off my tv i hear my dad call for me. i take off my sweatshirt and put my shoes on. I turn my light off and walk out the door down the bright hallway.
As I was walking back from school with my friends, Will and Alex, we were talking about what we were going to do tonight for Halloween. The teachers seem to be really concerned about us, telling us not to go by ourselves but rather go in big groups or with our parents for trick or treating, like were 13, we can handle ourselves. Mr. Robert our history teacher was telling all the kids that he hates Halloween because it symbolizes the devil and demons. He was yelling at another student, I forgot her name but she was saying that she was going to dress up as the devil and try to summon other demons he was not having it, he kicked her out immediately. As she was leaving she said something weird speaking gibberish something like “Ligandum eos
It was a foggy night on Halloween Many think that the barrier between our world and the underworld are at the weakest point well let's find out Me and my friends love Halloween we can be anyone or anything for only one day out of the year.Every year me and my friends lucy,who is a more scientific person believes every thing should be proven she has black hair blue eyes Parker,wants some money he has blond hair and green eyes and Eleanor is a scaredy cat she has white hair and brown eyes.we take a trip to my parents cabin in the louisiana swamp It is great this time of year because we always go looking for unusual things out of this world things paranormal things. We always see something but you never let them see you!