
Descriptive Essay About My Birthday

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“Lindsey get your butt down here right now! Before Luke eats all the waffles!” my mom yells from the bottom of the stairs. “I’m coming!!” I yell back down Hi my names Lindsey but all my friends call me Liz, and yes I am Luke Hemming’s sister. He’s in a band called 5sos; there’s Calum, Ashton, Mikey, and of course Luke. We all have been friends for a while now. Luke’s gone a lot though, he’s usually on tour most of the time. I’m a year younger than him and he promised that when I turned 16 he would bring me on tour with him and the guys. He told me that on my 15th birthday so that was his gift to me. It has been almost a year now; my birthday is in two days. For the past week I’ve been impatient and keep asking him and the boys where they were going on my birthday and they keep telling me that I have to wait till my birthday. The day of my birthday we went to the beach and had a big party. All my friends were there, even the ones I haven’t seen since school got out. It has been a month since school hadden gotten out. My birthday is in the summer, June 20th. My best friend was Jule; she has also known the guys as long as I have. It was cake time and the boys and Jule brought out the biggest cake I have ever seen. I guess it had to be for all the people that were at my party. (There was close to 100!) When everyone got their piece of cake I opened presents. I got a lot of good presents. I opened all of them except 2. One of them was a car, it was so beautiful. Then I had the

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