“Lindsey get your butt down here right now! Before Luke eats all the waffles!” my mom yells from the bottom of the stairs. “I’m coming!!” I yell back down Hi my names Lindsey but all my friends call me Liz, and yes I am Luke Hemming’s sister. He’s in a band called 5sos; there’s Calum, Ashton, Mikey, and of course Luke. We all have been friends for a while now. Luke’s gone a lot though, he’s usually on tour most of the time. I’m a year younger than him and he promised that when I turned 16 he would bring me on tour with him and the guys. He told me that on my 15th birthday so that was his gift to me. It has been almost a year now; my birthday is in two days. For the past week I’ve been impatient and keep asking him and the boys where they were going on my birthday and they keep telling me that I have to wait till my birthday. The day of my birthday we went to the beach and had a big party. All my friends were there, even the ones I haven’t seen since school got out. It has been a month since school hadden gotten out. My birthday is in the summer, June 20th. My best friend was Jule; she has also known the guys as long as I have. It was cake time and the boys and Jule brought out the biggest cake I have ever seen. I guess it had to be for all the people that were at my party. (There was close to 100!) When everyone got their piece of cake I opened presents. I got a lot of good presents. I opened all of them except 2. One of them was a car, it was so beautiful. Then I had the
Injured employee in England can claim damages from the employer if the employer was held liable for the injury, and under the industrial injuries compensation he can claim
All week my parents have been hinting a trip this weekend. It was Friday night and I was laying wide awake in my bed, staring at my white ceiling. It was 2 am and my mind was racing and excitement ran through my veins. Unfortunately, my parents are constantly working, so they never really take me places. I had turned thirteen last week and this was my birthday present. Could it be an amusement park? I really love roller coasters. Or maybe an arcade? Playing video games is my favorite thing to do. My mind began thinking of anything and everything until I eventually drifted into a buoyant slumber.
From this case study, Dr. John Seffrin and the American Cancer Society(ACS) can be analyzed as leaders in promoting the access to care initiative to ensure equal quality healthcare of lifesaving cancer treatments. Transformational leadership is an example of an approach used by the different members of ACS. This style according to Northouse (2016) “is a process that changes and transforms people. It is concerned with emotions, values, ethics, standards, and long-term goals” (p. 161), which the American Cancer Society shares in order to achieve its mission. This society’s 2015 goals of reducing cancer death rates by 50%, reduce the cancer incidence rates by 25%, and improve the quality of life for all cancer survivors (Simons & Rosenberg, 2009, p. 4) are trying to be reached by
I was born on the thirteenth of May, 2000 at 3:33 a.m. The same day, people were celebrating their own birthdays. On May 13, 2000, many people had to mourn over the deaths of their loved ones. When people are children, they never quite realize that anything other than their birth happened on their birthday. Now that I am becoming a young woman, it is past time to find out what else happened that day through my own research.
Big West Rotaract is a Multi District Information Organization assisted by Rotary International society. The primary purpose of Big West Rotaract is to provide leadership development and education for members of Rotaract Clubs in different states through leadership seminars, online resources, and leadership conferences. Big West Rotaract Conference aims to offer leadership training to the club officers of Rotaract Clubs, to assist Rotaract Club leaders in connecting with one another, to collect information about the Rotaract Clubs and its members’ issues, and to advocate for Rotaract within Rotary International.
Every birthday is supposed to be special and good right? Wrong. Definitely special, but not in a good way. Do you ever have an experience that ruins something that you had cherished for so long? There have been lots of times in my life that I have been confronted with situations that changed the way I viewed myself and others, there is one distinct time that I remember abruptly changing my view, and finally learning some very important messages. On the particular day that my eyes were opened, my birthday, I had one of the most confusing, irritating, frustrating days of my life. A day I will remember for as long as I live.
I have always knew that this world hid secrets that most people did not know about, so I decided to do some research and decided to do something that is close to me. My birthday I know I was born on that day but I really did not know much of what has happened before my birth and during my lifespan. I bet some of the people reading this is like why I've learn that even out twenty dollar bill hides a secret. But back to my birthday's history I'll talk about stuff that has happened. The Price of gold in 2001 was $264.10 per ounce on my birthday.Gas was $1.54 in 2001 good price compared to today's price. Loaf of bread was $0.98.Tarot personality card is the lover which means I’m looking for a true love companion.My Fixed and birth Element is Fire and Metal which are my two favorite things.My birth month animal is a Tiger which is the tired part trine.The tiger means im looking for a true lover. When i put my birthday on this website it says something about the devil and that might explain why I like fire. The moon was in a waxing crescent moon the website went to nasa to find this part of the information.My zodiac sign is pisces which is two fish swimming around each other. My chinese year animal is a snake for 2001,The snake means i'm a hard worker. The metal means i’m controlling,ambitious,forceful and set my own way .The worlds population when i was born was 6,218,898,333 people.The number 1 pop song was stutter by Joe I never even heard of this song before this research I
It was a beautiful sunny Saturday morning when I woke up on March 24, 2012, and most importantly it was my tenth birthday! I woke up to the waft of pancakes and freshly cooked bacon coming in from the kitchen. I got out of bed, and ran downstairs. I ran so fast that I tripped on the last step, landing on my ankle. But that did not matter because it was my birthday. I bounced in the kitchen flinging the door open. The first faces I saw were my mom, brother, grandma, and grandpa; mom was still in her nightgown from waking up so early to start breakfast for the special day.
Soon after that my sister and dad awoke, it was time to celebrate! I had my favourite breakfast, scrumptious waffles, with vibrant berries. The sweet wafts of syrup scented heat made my mouth water. Since we were going to celebrate my birthday in the evening, me and my sister decide to play some games to pass the time. We played Monopoly and Jenga! Our Monopoly game felt like it lasted for ages because the game could go on forever. She ended up winning, she had five hotels! Then we played Jenga. It took us some time to build the tower because I kept knocking it over by
“How you doing honey?” Jared's mom said smiling down at Jared. Jared just finished packing his bag.
"Daddy's home!" I yelled from the couch in front of the window where I was waiting for him.
Beep. BEEP. BEEP! I jolt away to the screeching sound of my forsaken alarm. “Ughh! It’s too early,” I groan as I stumble out of bed. After taking a quick shower, I head out the door. Getting to the University just in time for the professor to start his lecture. I plop down next to my friends who are currently giggling like little school girls. One of my friends passes me a note which entails a Happy Birthday message. I had totally forgotten it was my 18th birthday today, wow I guess time does fly when you're having fun. Later, after listening to the daily lectures, it's finally time for me head home.
It was a bright Saturday afternoon and my birthday. I was scrambling around trying to make my house look somewhat presentable. Rrrrrinngg. As one the guest rang the doorbell, I quickly jumped up ready to receive them.
One normal day it was June 20, and for some reason I forgot that it was my birthday tomorrow. When I realized I actually wasn't all that excited because I had soccer tryouts on my birthday. Yes, I really do like soccer, but tryouts are not really that fun because it was a brand new league and I didn’t know which team I wanted to be on either. I got accepted to both teams but I guess I wouldn't be able to play for 2 teams, but I also wanted to be with the kids or some of them that I was with last year.
July 2nd 2018, something really exciting is going to happen! What is that you may ask? Well, that my friend would be that a new edition is going to be added to my family. July 2nd 2018, I will become an Aunt.