
Descriptive Essay About New York City

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“Looks like I didn’t iron well enough last night. A wrinkle in my suit. A wrinkle in my best suit! Everyone will notice! I’ll be the laughing stock of New York City!” Mr. Stevens stopped to inspect his crisp black suit and tie. “And on my important meeting day, too.” He grumbled to himself. “The convention! Can’t miss it, can’t miss it, can’t miss it!” With that, he resumed his hurried walk down the grubby streets of New York City. The sidewalks were marked with blue benches that appeared along the side of the sidewalk at regular intervals. Each bench was covered in rows of holes, but you couldn’t really tell because when you looked around, practically all you saw were mobs of people, people milling around, people sitting on the benches, and more people. This was rush hour in this part of New York City.
To Mr. Stevens’ right there was Central Park, and to his left were big gleaming grey buildings that seemed to glower down on all the people. The most noticeable thing was the smell. Sewer smell was dominant, and sometimes overwhelming (If you passed a drain or one of those trashy, creepy, dark alleys), but since people were all around, you could also smell food, perfume, makeup, lotion, and other scented products. All of the city and people smell clashed with the sweet, organic scents of crisp leaves turning and the beginning of fall. Mr. Stevens had lived in this city where neon lights and huge malls met grimy alleys and trash since the “incident” that had turned his whole

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