
Descriptive Essay On Baseball

Decent Essays

The personal object that I had chose was a baseball. A baseball has a rubber or cork right in the center and then is wrapped in yarn and the covered. In the official baseball rules it would be said that the baseball is with two strips of white horsehide or cowhide, and tightly stitched together. Looking at my object it would seem of some type of hard ball just to throw around, but it has such more of a meaning to it. Its as if your life is in the hands of the ball and you have to throw it with proper care in order to get somewhere. The colors of the baseball are white and red, the stitching of the baseball is red while the yarn and outer part is white. The way you play the game of baseball is that there are two teams and nine players on each team. To basically sum it up on the first round the home team pitches while the players on the visiting team bat. Then after that they just take turns batting and fielding and they do this for 7 innings and after the 7 innings you see who wins and who loses or if it is a tie. This object has had a big impact on me throughout my life. As a child growing up I really never liked the sport baseball but I was forced to play it. You see my mom was my coach and what she said goes. After school we would always have practice and then games on the weekends. Practices were the worst because if I did one thing wrong my mom would throw a ball at me, which is one of the reasons why I disliked playing the game. After a couple of years of playing, at

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