I stand in my driveway and suddenly see, out of the corner of my eye, a flash of black. I hear the bass of John Mayer’s “Gravity” before I catch sight of a vehicle. As I turn toward the mixed sounds of the revving motor and repetitive musical beats, I finally catch sight of my sister Kate and her black, two-door Jeep. Many cars have come and gone in my life, but one in particular has made a substantial impact on me. Kate's 2000 Jeep Wrangler has been a part of my life since 2015. The day she reached the milestone of getting her license, Kate went to Pace to pick up the car, and that car now stands as a symbol of the years that I have had with my sister before she must depart for college. When looking at the vehicle, one may see the beaten up interior seats and the small, but noticeable, dents on the outside, but I see a perfect painting. From the look of the chipped air bag holder to the smell of the melted chocolate in the glove compartment, the Jeep is very unique. Its 6-foot-tall, 4-foot-wide frame leaves a minuscule space for storage, and the mass of fast-food bags and the mountain of clothes take up half of the space. As the smell of old Chick-fil-A breakfast permeates the senses upon entering the car, …show more content…
Looking at the scattered piles of sand, I recall many trips to the beach. The small dent on the front of the car's bumper serves as a reminder to Kate not to let her friends drive her car. Although I look back with nostalgia at all of the good times my sister and I have had in the car, I must remember that these times will not last forever. As Kate ventures on to bigger and better things in college, she will leave behind the object that I will remember her by. I look forward to the day when we will have our last great adventure before the Jeep will be put into a little corner in the garage and remain
“Stability in Motion” is written by a Marina Keegan about her car. While reading this short story, readers get an insight of what her car means to her. This short story lets readers into the happy and sad times in the life of Marina Keegan, with the many personal elements and stories that she includes. In “Stability in Motion”, Marina Keegan shows her audience that her car is not only her transportation, but her place of happiness and her best friend.
The history of Jeeps has always interest me because they have been around longer than any other manufacture in the world of automobiles. The creation of the Jeep had given the U.S. an upper hand in World War II. Jeep would change society in many different ways during the war and after the war. However, due to changes in production of the Jeep, evolution of the brand during the war, and the contributions Jeep made to society after World War II, this research will to show how the jeep was effective during the war and how it changed america forever.
Jackie and I were now halfway to where Mike’s car wreck took place, on Highway 46. The accident must have been pretty bad because it was reported on the news, a rare case, I thought to myself. I prayed Mike was going to be ok. The drive felt like it was taking hours to get to the scene . I could feel the tension in the car growing. The fact that one of our closest friends could be gravely injured was a slug shot from a shotgun into our chests. Jackie was still distressed as she drove; tears dripped from her eyes like droplets from a cool water bottle on a hot day.
Her top and doors are absent, just as a coaster car, letting her passengers experience the beautiful outdoors as they drive along. The wind slapping across my face grows stronger as Sadie’s speedometer gradually ascends. However, unlike a roller coaster, hands and feet do not have to maintain inside the car at all times. My foot rests on the warm fender as I fly down the road. The only feature keeping me from falling out is the dainty fettuccine seatbelt wrapped across my lap, tightening, like a mother holding her child, as I come to every stop. Among every turn and curve, I am a boat being hit by a wave, tilting and swaying side to side. Throughout the ride, smells of sustenance and freshly cut grass penetrate my nostrils. For these reasons, Sadie, most literally, has an “open-door” policy. She is open for all to see and experience. As well as the freeing feeling of driving along in Sadie, there is a sense of inclusivity amid Jeep Wrangler
Our Town is play written a while ago, but it relates to any time. Showing that routine is a part of everybody’s life. No matter what day and age you live in your going to have a routine. This play shows an example of two families and their daily routines. The whole play relates to routine even the different acts.
The Holocaust happened because two groups of people were grappling with each and one was stronger than the other. Wars typically occur because two cultures disagree and choose to settle it, and the strong culture prevails. African American and Caucasian people used to be exiled for getting married, because they were different. There are millions of different cultures in the world today and every day is an example of how they clash. An author, Mary Louise Pratt, wrote an essay referring to these conflicts. Her essay made it possible to further examine these struggles. In works such as The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao and “Family
Imagine working for free for a whole four years. That is the life of the average college athlete. The college athletes do not have time for anything else, that includes stuff like jobs, studying and sometimes for classes themselves. After they graduate they are not even guaranteed a spot for the magier league. So after all the work what is left an empty degeer and a huge debt.
The Jeep market in the USA has been divided into a number of segments, among which are demographic, psychographic and behaviors of the target market. This paper shall focus on the Jeep market in the U.S. and more specifically the demographic and psychographic characteristics of the market and behaviors of target market.
Frantic thoughts raced through my mind as I opened the door of my mother’s beloved red Dodge Charger. I looked over at my mother in the driver’s seat, waving me on and wishing me luck, trying to cheer me up.
The inexorable, pessimistic truth is that most humans take some features of life for granted. Thornton Wilder, a prominent play writer, demonstrates this belief in his 1938 play, Our Town. Our Town shows the life of the Webb and Gibbs family, mainly presenting the bittersweet marriage of Emily Webbs and George Gibbs. Their marriage is happy, however, it is short-lived when Emily abruptly dies during her second childbirth. In death, Emily promptly realizes that every moment of life should be cherished. Thornton Wilder’s reasoning for his criticisms about life is notably present throughout Our Town. Throughout Our Town, Wilder criticizes the way of life by presenting this idea in all of his acts; the first act dealing with the topic of Grover’s
My eyes drifted to the worn tan leather passenger seat, but after a moment they shifted to the steering wheel and focused on the veining of the birds-eye maple. I often find myself staring at the wheel and thinking for five, ten, or maybe fifteen minutes. Sometimes I think about responsibilities or obligations, and other times, I use those five minutes as a time of tranquility. Every once in awhile, I try to envision how different my life would have been if my parents would have chosen to leave Clear Lake.
Nathaniel Hawthorne was one of American literature's finest writers; his writing style was very distinct and unusual in some aspects. It is his background that provided this ambiguous and complex approach to writing. Hawthorne's New England heritage has, at times, been said to be the contributing factor in his works. The Puritan view of life itself was considered to be allegorical, their theology rested primarily on the idea of predestination and the separation of the saved and the damned As evident from Hawthorne's writings his intense interest in Puritanical beliefs often carried over to his novels such as, Young Goodman Brown, The Scarlet Letter, and The Minister's Black Veil just to name a few of the more well known pieces of his work.
Everything happens at least once in a person’s life. From their birth to their death; their first love to their first heart break. Sometimes everything can happen very fast, and other times it seems like nothing is happening but yet everything is happening. One good of example of this is in the play Our Town by Thornton Wilder. In the play, the readers follow the character Emily Gibbs as she shows off her traits of caring, love, and realization throughout her life and her afterlife.
Billy Wilder was born in Sucha Beskidzka, Poland. Billy Wilder’s mother, Eugenia Wilder, lived in New York as a little girl, and always wanted to emigrate to the United States. She used to tell Billy and his brother stories about America, mostly about Coney Island, and Buffalo Bill. Wilder’s Birth name was Samuel Wilder, his mother gave him the nickname “Billy” because of her love for Buffalo Bill.
“You’re going to get bored.” was the response my previous employer and family gave when I accepted the Finance Director position at a community health clinic. Yet any job can be mundane if not innovatively shaped by arising opportunities. Unlike my previous auditing position which had less concrete hours, plenty of travel, and a variety of clients, this job was a standard Monday through Friday, 8 am – 5 pm, and no travel position in which I focus all my effort on one organization. I knew this organization was not the final stop on my career journey but it was an important stepping-stone along the way. As a bonus, the Finance Director position combined my skills and passion for helping others in a way auditing could not.