
Descriptive Essay On The Experience In The Beach

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With a great vigor, humanity delights in escaping reality, even if only for a short time. Some choose to play sports, some watch TV, and others still choose to spend their time reading. Withdrawal from reality links all hobbies together. Likewise, I like to achieve this liberation by sailing. Imagine the wind gusting across your body, the smell of the strong scent of water in your nostrils, and the thrill of the breeze thrusting your boat along. Personally, I was astounded when I discovered this microcosm twenty minutes away in the middle of the scorching desert.

Immediately upon exiting the car, the familiar tell-tale smell of the lake hit me. The lake smelled like a combination of a fish and algae scent that seemed slightly putrid nevertheless, it did not detract from the experience. On blustery days, I felt the zephyr blow through my hair and saw the telltale whitecaps forming on the water’s surface. On sunny days I saw the afternoon sun make the greenish-brown water glimmer majestically and reflect off of the glass in the high rise buildings. Nonchalantly, I ambled to the gated boatyard adjacent to the parking lot to retrieve my boat.

Casually, I sauntered just beyond the middle of the yard to the section where my class stored the boats. Following a cursory inspection, I culled one that appeared to be in satisfactory shape and pushed it out of the yard towards the lake. If I had luck on my side a friend would also help me with this, nonetheless, I hold the opinion

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