
Descriptive Essay On Who I Am

Satisfactory Essays

Who I Am Who Am I? Normally I’d say what we’ve been programmed to say: date of birth, nationality, height, weight, strengths, weaknesses, goals, etc. But this assignment is different because you’d like to know who I am on the inside, or what makes me, me. I believe who I am, and mostly anyone for that matter, depends on 4 things: your environment, people you’re around, decisions you make, and the power of suggestion. These things will “steer” and change the course of your “life’s ship” for better or worse, that’s up to you. Growing up in the small town of Belle Glade, family of 7, in a 2 bedroom apartment was cramped but comfortable. Looking back, I can see how we struggled, but at the time we never wanted for anything. I never wanted to hear “NO” so I waited for a yes opportunity to present itself, and I would ask then, and in most cases it worked in my favor. My father worked while my mom was the housewife. As we grew, both parents worked and the neighbors would watch over us. Back then they could discipline you, because it took a village to raise you, unlike today. Being the child of Haitian immigrants was difficult because of the teasing and taunting. They’d say that “you eat cat” or you have “H.B.O. (Haitian body odor).” On top of that I have an outie, so that made me an introverted, shy kid and my mother’s one of Jehovah’s Witnesses so that excluded me from birthday celebrations and holiday assignments. I’d either have a separate task or just asked to sit this one

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