
Descriptive Writing On Fishing

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There once was a young boy named Jayden and his father who lived in a small shed. They were very poor and had barely anything to eat, especially on cold frigid winter days. They owned a farm where they could supply their own food in the summer, however, in the winter all their crops died and they had to find another way to get food.
On a bright, but chilly day, Jayden decided to go fishing with his father. They took their fishing poles and walked 2 miles down the shore. Jayden took off his shoes and thrusted them into the boat. They hopped onto the boat and paddled into the deep waters of the sea.
An hour passed since they left their shed and Jayden had caught nothing. He felt small nips on his rod but never a real bite. A few more minutes …show more content…

Where are you??” exclaimed Jayden. No answer. He pulled out his fishing pole and hooked on a bait. He then released the string and winded the handle. Jayden waited. And waited. Until he could no longer take it anymore. He gave up and thought the turtle disappeared somewhere else. Suddenly, he saw the turtle poking his head out of the water. This time he wasn't caught on the bait.
“I am no longer going to fall for your bait. You have used me to catch you fish but I can’t do that anymore,” whispered the turtle. With a surprised look on his face, Jayden thought to himself. It seemed as if the turtle knew he soon wanted more fish.
“Why not? Aren’t all sea creatures supposed to fall for bait?” asked Jayden.
“Not in this case. I helped you as much as you needed and there is nothing I can do more,” replied the turtle. With that, the turtle disappeared into the ocean deep and never returned again. Jayden returned home with a mournful look on his face. He had nothing to eat now since the turtle no longer provided him with fish.
“How was it today? Any luck? Catch any fish?” exclaimed his father.
“Actually… I didn’t catch anything…,” replied Jayden.
With a disappointing look, his father sighed and said, “It’s okay son, you've done

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