Many people think that everything and everyone relies on a clock,alarm or their phone to go throughout the day. “Dont watch the clock;do what it does”( Levenson,Sam).Something relating to my desideratum is due dates ,people worry about paying their bills on time to that their light or phone bill won't cut off . So they have to constantly work ,work and more work not even realizing that they haven't even enjoyed life for once . Relating to my own life I keep moving forward no matter how long I have to wait or how stressful it is because I know deep down that it will come my way. Either college or getting my license , I need to enjoy every minute of it ,and don't rush.
Don't stay watching the clock hoping that your day at work or your miserable
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Some conflicts I might encounter along the way is if I’m taking test or an exam the time will fly away or if I'm in class ,doing something i don't really care for the time will take its time . I feel as though the time isn't fair .But in reality the time is balanced ,and I just got to realize that, that's what keeps the world going round and round.How I will remain true to my vision is praying and believing I could continue vmy desideratum “ Believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You got to keep going.”(Sutherland,Chantal).So either how stressful I am ,or If I am having the time of my life i will continue to pray and believe in myself to stay true to my desideratum throughout my
A famous quote from salva is,”stay calm when things are hard or not going right for you. You will get through it when you persevere instead or quitting. Quitting leads to much less happiness in life than perseverance and hope”
handle. If you face a big challenge, you have a big destiny.” (Joel Osteen) Through these
During the seventh millennium BC Minoan civilization inhabited Knossos, the capital of Minoan Crete until 1375, which marked the end of Minoan civilization. After an earthquake destroyed the first palace in 1375, the palace was rebuilt to become something magnificent even in todays terms. It begins with Greek mythology when according to script, architect Dedalos designed something so extraordinary that King Minos who commissioned the palace held Dedalos captive to prevent the prisoner from introducing the palace plan to anyone else. However, Dedalos had built two sets of wings enabling himself and his son to fly off the island. After actually setting off, his son flew too close to the sun, melting the wings that supported him resulting in his
For the rest of my life there are two days that will never again trouble me. The first day is yesterday with all its blunders and tears, its follies and defeats. Yesterday has passed forever bye my control. The other day is tomorrow with its pitfalls and threats, its dangers and mystery. Until the sun rises again, I have no stake in tomorrow, for it is still unborn. With God's help and only one day to concentrate all my effort and energy on, this day, I can win! Only when I add the burden of those two frightening eternities, yesterday and tomorrow, am I in danger of faltering under the load. Never again! This is my day! This is my only day! Today is all there is! Today is the rest of my life and I
Augustana College would be a perfect choice for me as I could use the education I receive from Augustana to help me get into the field of my dreams, Computer Sciences or Graphic Art. With the outstanding Computer Science program you have to offer, I know that it would be beneficial to study at Augustana College so that I may continue on to greater things in my career field. Now, why should you guys accept me into your campus? Well, I can promise you that I will bring many strengths to the game and help by preforming my best in my studies.
The results of my Time Management Action Plan (Capella University. (n.d.)), showed that for each of the four areas, I have strong skills, therefore, I immediately do not see areas that need improvement. When I review the priorities in my life at the moment, such as employment, academia, finances, and my age, there are a few necessary approaches that I will need to take when considering unexpected life events. For instance, I need to look at my age and the upcoming decades that I will face. Each of those decades require an inventory that focuses on my finances, employment and retirement, physical and mental attributes, and religion and spiritual attitude in regard to aging. Once I have an inventory, I can plan for events while I continue to work on short and long-term goals and / or rewrite them.
Marketing products, services, or even charities to the public has become a very powerful force in our world. Millions of dollars are spent on advertising each year with the goal of increasing revenue for the business or raising awareness of an organization to the public. Pharmaceutical companies bring products to the markets that are intended to help people live better lives. Advertising is a relatively new phenomenon for pharmaceutical companies in the United States. “In 1985, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which has the responsibility for safety regulations governing drugs, passed a ruling that allowed direct market to consumers on the condition that a great deal of warning information was provided
I used to be the type of person that needed my life planned out; I needed a routine or a schedule. I was going on an amazing trip to Catalina Island with my closest friends. We had a plan; take a bus to LA and get on a boat that would take us to Catalina from there. When we arrived to LA the weather was so bad we couldn't get on the boat. We had to wait until the next day. Having to go off schedule we ended up making more memories, we went to a huge aquarium and spent the night on a boat. After that trip I realized things happen and you need to be willing to make the best of things or you will not have the opportunity for new experiences.
Intelligence and physical strength are equally contributed to the buliding of the city. They are equally contibuted to the building of the city because of the way it was built, they had to figure out what to do when it would not cut through the wood, also it took a lot of strength to lift it up.
One step I can take to help myself reach my goals is to view the stress I experience in situations as eustress rather than distress. For example, instead of feeling like waking up in the morning to run is something I have to force myself to do because it is something I have to do to reach my long-term goal, I can instead see it as a way to challenge myself, improve my personal wellness, and continue to make progress towards my goal.
Destinee: Great post and I agree things such as mental health, gender, etc., people cannot control and they may led to delinquent behavior. However, I feel that just because they have for an example mental health issues does not mean they will become delienquent. To me it is many different factors throughout ones life that in way determines if a person gives in to delinquent behaviors.
Lastly, in 2015 about 10,000 people died and 290,000 were injured by being involved in drunk driving crashes. To think that most of these innocent people were just going on about their business and got into a car crash because of someone else's mistake is heartbreaking. Every death, and every injury not only affects the people that were in the crash, but it affects their family, and friends. In 2014, 209 children under 14 died while being in a vehicle with an impaired driver. Drunk driving causes unnecessary fatalities, and since the victims were completely innocent and did nothing wrong, the drunk driver should be given a harsh penalty, for not being responsible and making the wrong decision.
Struggling throughout the process of discovering myself and becoming whom I want to be. Setting aside a plan to be successful in all I want to do, time takes on a major role. Embarking on this school and work process as a nontraditional student having no stability. Without any stability stressing may occur and
Something that I striven for along time was the consciousness of me obtaining my diploma. I seemed to of made mistakes with my schooling in middle school and had a few set backs. I chose to still keep going and obtain my diploma. I new it wasn't going to be easy and some days felt impossible but with great effort i knew i could do it. I fought my way up the grades. Honestly it wasn't that hard. I knew I had one more chance to do what so many of my family members haven't done, that was to achieve the goal of getting a diploma. I love the fact that GOD gave me another chance to achieve my goal. My strategy was to go through the grades with a full schedule. The busier that I am the faster the time goes by. This is why I played
The legalization of marijuana is one of the most talked about subjects in the news today. With millions of opinions on this certain topic I think the legalization of marijuana should not be allowed in America. Although some might disagree, marijuana is an unnecessary substance in life. With the legalization, it will affect millions of people between the ages of 1-100. Marijuana should be illegal in the United States because if legalized marijuana will lead to child use, addiction, and health problems.