
Design A Task For A Grade Classroom

Decent Essays

For our GeoGebra lesson, Ashley and I decided to design a task for a 1st grade classroom. This 1st grade lesson required students to partition circles, and possibly rectangles, into halves and fourths using the idea of fair sharing with the tools provided by GeoGebra. We went with this idea assuming that students have had previous experiences with GeoGebra and with fair sharing, perhaps with friends or siblings for example. We divided up the work evenly and worked on our sections on our own, asking for help if needed. This assignment provided me the opportunities to practice implementing the mathematical teaching methods I have been learning about in my classes, work with a fellow classmate that has had more experience in the classroom, and work on what it may look like to develop a mathematical task that is centered on a piece of technology like GeoGebra. A practice all teachers should rehearse, prepare for, and become masters at is quality questioning. When writing our lesson plan, we were prompted to think of questions that would allow for extension, check for understanding, provide differentiation, lead students in developing an understanding of the key ideas included in the lesson, guide students through the lesson by scaffolding their learning, and help to clear up misconceptions that existed. As one can see, planning for the types of questions to ask and anticipating the types of responses that would come in turn, encompassed a large portion of our prepping our

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