
Design Attitudes Measurement Regarding Dental Management

Decent Essays

For the current situation in dentistry, dental patients who have special health care needs such as disabilities, significant physical limitations, psychological problems and complex medical conditions are challenging for dentists to provide appropriate dental management and treatment (Waldman et al., 2005). They need to modify normal dental routines to provide special dental care for individual patients (Clemetson et al., 2012). However, most dental schools in Thailand still have a few dental training programmes of special care dentistry in an undergraduate dental curriculum to educate dental students to gain their knowledge, skills and clinical experiences including altering their attitudes and professional behaviours to provide quality …show more content…

The online survey using questionnaires as non-disguised structured technique is the suitable method for measuring attitudes and perceptions because the web-based survey is easy to collect and analyse data, much faster than conventional survey modes and automation with real-time access including increasing in response rates and it is necessary to develop standardised attitude measuring instruments (Sincero, 2012).

Basically, attitude statements should be clear, relevant, meaningful and interesting including containing one issue only for each statement with employing personalised expressions of feelings. (Oppenheim, 1992). Interestingly, the cognitive and affective components of attitudes have often failed to evaluate the reliability and validity of the attitude statements because inaccuracy of reliability and validity such as unclear or ambiguous questions can produce bias, misunderstanding and various responses from respondents (Crites et al., 1994). Hence, assessors should ensure that all questions are clear and pertinent by using the pilot test to determine face and content validity and reliability of the attitude questionnaire before applying for participants (Kain, 2007). In addition, evaluators should construct a set of attitude statements, not only use a single question to measure attitudes because participants cannot reflect on it adequately so the single-attitude

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