
Critical Appraisal Essay

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Critical appraisal

In recent years there has been an improved development for the need of design management in construction. Effective design management is necessary for a successful project but the clear picture of design management is not understood properly (S Austin, 2002). Design is a very key aspect of construction and with the help of a good team; good sustainable projects can be produced. The need for improvement of design in construction is very necessary. Delivering the project on time, budget and providing a value to construction is needed (S Austin, 2002). However the role of a design manager is poorly noted and does not have a robust path (Newton, n.d.).
Design management Dates back to early times where it was influenced with number of different attributes like architecture, software development, engineering. During the 1960 design management was considered as managing design systematically. In the 1980 it was considered as managing design as a strategic asset (Farr, 1965). During the present time it is mostly noted as managing design for innovation. With the help of new method ADEPT progress of a project can be monitored and any root cause of failure can be tracked. It also helps in managing and identifying resource properly (design, n.d.). The management report is clear in accordance with their trends and performance. This method mainly coordinates the design team to manage and constitute the design process

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