
Design The Program Planning, Timeline And Other Tools

Decent Essays

5. Design the program planning, timeline and other tools
6. Make the timeline and deadline to the program
7. Assess the resource availability
8. Visit the area and get into contact with local government bodies and other stakeholders
9. Rent and manage an office to handle program administrative and other activities
10. Make arrangements to execute the program
11. Educate the paddy farmers about causes and effects of chronic kidney disease, how to prevent and overcome the disease, usage of agrochemicals, introduction of environmental friendly fertilizers, and provide necessary instructions to increase the living standard with the help of public health inspectors and plantation instructors
12. Educate the families of paddy farmers especially their wives about the methods of safe and clean water usage for cooking, drinking and so on
13. During the workshop, distribute chorine tablets, water quality measurement tool kits, clay pots and pans
14. Monitor and evaluate the status of target population whether they practice the learned methods and if not, make changes

6. Timeline

Description of activity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Identify the area and why the program is needed
Advertise and recruit the staff
Inform and educate the staff of the program
Collect and analyse data and determine the target population
Design the program

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