
Designer Babies Persuasive Essay

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As science continues to advance, scientists have found ways for parents to edit the characteristics and genes of their children. This includes the ability to determine and change gender, diseases, personalities, and looks. With further advancements, designing babies could potentially ensure immunity from diseases and mental illnesses for future generations. The editing of a human genome would prevent suffering and hardship. Although this new technology could ensure a better life for an individual, the possibilities of social implications and unethical processes gives unsureness to whether or not these procedures should be an option. The choice of characteristics brings up what values society thinks are more favorable. That would lead to a separate …show more content…

These procedures also require many embryos in which the majority do not survive. The killing of an embryo is unethical and violates the CST teaching of life and divinity of a human person. The ability to design babies is unethical and should not be something that parents can decide for their babies and their future generations. Designing the abilities and traits of a baby would ensure a better life with less hardships. This would alleviate future suffering and hardships for that individual (Wadhaw). These technologies would help expecting parents edit unfavorable traits out. Designer babies would also be more accessible to the upper class because such procedures cost several tens of thousands of dollars (Ridley). Genetically inherited diseases such as cancer, diabetes, and color blindness could also be prevented. For example, if two parents had sickle cell anemia, there is a high possibility that their baby will get it as well. According to the Mayo Clinic, the sickle shaped red blood cells makes it hard for them to transport through the blood vessels and often times gets blocked. The sickled blood cells cause a shortage of breath and constant swelling. By eliminating this sex-linked disease, the baby, as an adult, would have an easier life with less suffering. Additionally,

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