
Desire To Be An Alpha Man Essay

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Tarvaris Shegog Why I Desire To Be an Alpha man Growing up in an one bedroom single parent home with eight kids I was an angry child faced with countless obstacles growing up. The things that I have seen and the situations I have been in through growing up I know that I shouldn’t be here today.There are guys that I grew up with who are now either dead, in jail, or still in the streets. By overcoming these things it has molded me into the young man I am today; a person who is determined to be great and determined to leave an impact on people's lives in everything that I do. As I continue to grow, others are seeing the transition that I am making into a black man who while he may be from the projects he is taking actions to become better and …show more content…

I’ve taken the lessons I’ve learned whether they were explicitly from Xavier and Delvin or from simply observing an Alpha Man with me when I joined my first organization Generation of Educated Men (GEM) a community service based organization where I currently serve as Mr. GEM. No matter how long ago I learned those lessons they still resonate with me just as strong if not stronger, this is shown through my most recent accomplishment of becoming a member of Alpha Kappa Psi Professional Business Fraternity. I am thankful for the guidance that I have received from the Men of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated both intentional and unintentional, and if I am perchance selected to start the process of becoming a Man of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated I will continue to remember where I have come from and remember how two men helped me change my life and in turn helping me to make it this far, and how one day I would like to be the Xavier Robinson and Delvin Woodard who helped change the life of a young Tarvaris

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