
Desiree's Baby Literary Analysis

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In the fictional story “Desiree’s Baby”, written by Kate Chopin, An orphaned girl named Desiree falls in love with a rich, well known, slave owner names Armand. Everything was going swell at the beginning until their child ages a few months and Armand realizes his son is from the forbidden color and his name is going to be dragged in the dirt for it. Armand’s careless actions foreshadows the theme of love should supersede any prejudice or racist ideology to develop an engaging plot.
Early in the story, the reader learns that Desiree is an orphan; she was left lying asleep in the shadow of a big stone pillar as an infant. In a way, the author subtly hints at the reader that Desiree might have an African American background because at the time abandoning a fully white child wasn't expected. When the baby was only a few months old and started to get a darker African American skin color was the first clue the Armand wasn't going to be accepting about it; due to the fact that he was a white slave owner and name is very popular. This moment becomes even more evident when Armand starts to ignore Desiree and his son. Not only did the …show more content…

Through the exchanges between Desiree and Armand regarding if Desiree is African American because their child is most definitely black and Armand claims he is fully white. One could guess that Desiree is fully black because her background is unknown. The clues continue to surmount as Desiree says “My mother, they tell me I am not white. Armand has told me I am not white. For God’s sake tell them it is not true. You must know it is not true. I shall die. I must die. I cannot be so unhappy, and live.”. Desiree’s mother responds to her, “My own Desiree: Come home to

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