
Desmond Doss Mission Statement

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Desmond Doss was born in February 1919. He was the middle child. Audrey, his sister, was four years older and Harold Edwards, his brother, was two years younger. He grew up up in his family home in Lynchburg, Virginia. He was raised as a Seventh-day Adventist, a denomination of Christianity that believes everyone should follow the ten commandments and that the seventh day of the week is the sabbath and it should be kept holy. Desmond kept the sixth commandment to heart, “Thou shalt not kill”. Desmond wanted to serve his country but he vowed that he would never take up arms. Congress wrote into the military draft that conscientious objectors would be assigned to the medical department. Desmond was trained at Fort Jackson, South Carolina in a rifle company. Everyone in his division hated and mocked conscientious objectors because most of them joined to get out of work. Since Adventists believed Saturday was the Sabbath, Desmond got Saturday off and he would do extra work Sunday to make up for it. Desmond finally earned the respect from his men when the company went on a ruck march. Most of the them had fallen out from dehydration and foot injuries, so Desmond treated them and they respected him for this. Desmond and his company was shipped to the Philippines to fight the pacific war. Desmond's company was preparing to storm Guam …show more content…

He’s ran 200 yards into the front lines to rescue a soldier. Later he saved four men who had been been blown up by grenades while trying to take a fortified cave. He saved an artillery officer who had been shot, dragged him somewhere safe, and performed a plasma transfusion while mortar shells were being dropped. There are many more cases of Desmond going above and beyond to save his fellow soldiers. Desmond was wounded while rescuing a soldier and was sent

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