Desmond Doss was born in February 1919. He was the middle child. Audrey, his sister, was four years older and Harold Edwards, his brother, was two years younger. He grew up up in his family home in Lynchburg, Virginia. He was raised as a Seventh-day Adventist, a denomination of Christianity that believes everyone should follow the ten commandments and that the seventh day of the week is the sabbath and it should be kept holy. Desmond kept the sixth commandment to heart, “Thou shalt not kill”. Desmond wanted to serve his country but he vowed that he would never take up arms. Congress wrote into the military draft that conscientious objectors would be assigned to the medical department. Desmond was trained at Fort Jackson, South Carolina in a rifle company. Everyone in his division hated and mocked conscientious objectors because most of them joined to get out of work. Since Adventists believed Saturday was the Sabbath, Desmond got Saturday off and he would do extra work Sunday to make up for it. Desmond finally earned the respect from his men when the company went on a ruck march. Most of the them had fallen out from dehydration and foot injuries, so Desmond treated them and they respected him for this. Desmond and his company was shipped to the Philippines to fight the pacific war. Desmond's company was preparing to storm Guam …show more content…
He’s ran 200 yards into the front lines to rescue a soldier. Later he saved four men who had been been blown up by grenades while trying to take a fortified cave. He saved an artillery officer who had been shot, dragged him somewhere safe, and performed a plasma transfusion while mortar shells were being dropped. There are many more cases of Desmond going above and beyond to save his fellow soldiers. Desmond was wounded while rescuing a soldier and was sent
Benjamin Oliver Davis Jr. was born in Washington. D.C. on December 18, 1912, the son of Benjamin O. Davis, Sr. and Elnora Dickerson Davis. His father was a renowned military officer, the first Black General in the United States Army. Benjamin, Sr. served in various capacities (beginning in the Spanish-American war) including serving in one of the original Buffalo Soldier regiments. He was instead assigned to the 24th Infantry Regiment, an all-Black division located in Fort Benning, Georgia. Although an officer, he was not permitted to enter the officer's club on the base. After attending the U.S. Army Infantry School, he followed in his father’s footsteps and traveled to Tuskegee, Alabama to teach a military tactics course at the Tuskegee
Howard Wasdin was born Howard E. Wilbanks on November 8, 1961 in Boynton Beach, Florida to his 15 year old mother. He was born prematurely, weighed 3 pounds 2 ounces, and was carried home in a shoebox. He was raised in Screven, Georgia and went to Cumberland College before enlisting in the Navy. As a child, Wasdin suffered from PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) because of an extremely abusive stepfather who beat him often and violently. When he was in the Navy, he served as a sailor in the Atlantic Fleet and as a Navy SEAL. He was on the elite SEAL Team Six. Some challenges he faced were being abused by his stepfather Leon, he was in a helicopter crash while on a mission, and he was shot in the leg three times.
Ransom A Slack is the soldier that I made a biography on. He was a farmer as a young boy and continued through his life. As a child he had a brother and three sisiters. He worked as a farmer almost his full life before and after the war. Like most of the young men in vermont he went to the war to fight for his country. He thought of war to be thing that he must to as his duty. He went to war to get away from the hard work of daily life and to be honored.
The mission of the Alpha House is “Alpha House of Tampa offers homeless pregnant women and mothers with young children safe housing and the tools they need to become self-sufficient and effective responsible parents.” The main purpose of the Alpha House is clear in their mission statement when they say they serve pregnant or mothers of young children find shelter or housing. The Alpha House provides maternity residence as well as transitional housing for mothers with small children. The Alpha House also focuses on working with the clients towards self sufficiency and responsible parenthood. The clients must be involved in some way in the program to show they are actively trying to improve their situation. The programs offered at the Alpha House
During the first attempt at Hacksaw Ridge, Desmond was acting normally, saving the freshly wounded and remembering the freshly killed. He gave plasma and blood and might have even given morphine to Japanese soldiers (In the movie adaptation of Desmond Doss’ story, he gave some wounded Japanese soldiers Morphine, saying that it was “good”). During and after the retreat, Desmond still helped and save his fellow soldiers. As Hacksaw Ridge is about a 350-foot fall, according to the Wisconsin Public Radio, he would have to lower his friends and those who thought he would die in minutes.Even though the Japanese would never surrender, the Americans would not, either. During the second and more successful attempt at Hacksaw Ridge, Desmond Doss saved even more, which gave him one of 431 WWII Medals of Honor.In accordance with the Seventh-Day Adventists Church’s article about Desmond Doss, during the second raid on Hacksaw Ridge, one of the people, Desmond Doss’ commanding officer, Jack Glover, was shot and injured. Desmond saw him lying on the ground, bleeding to death. Even though earlier when Jack Glover tried to get him off the squad, Desmond did not hold a grudge against him, and saved him along with many others. In the movie adaptation of this battle, the soldiers, after realising what Desmond Doss did, they showed him more respect for what he did on his Sabbath. After the entire squadron waited until Desmond Doss finished praying for their safety. He finished and they pushed the Japanese into a position of surrendering; However, one the officers pulled a grenade on most of the American soldiers. Desmond, being a savior more than a killer, blocked the grenade, and took most of the grenade, nearly killing him. Desmond soon recovered, and even though he had a bad leg, he would not stop saving
Throughout history, war has been one of the few constants that has never changed, because of this many have tried to aid those affected by it. In America, the Department of Veterans Affairs(VA) was created in order to specifically help veterans as they return from their service overseas. However, a few decades ago, the VA seemed to have failed in their goal during arguably one of the most important wars in American history. The mission statement, originally spoken by President Abraham Lincoln was: “To care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan” by serving and honoring the men and women who are America’s Veterans.” The mission statement brings up values of integrity and loyalty to America’s veterans, however
Benjamin O’ Davis Jr. (Ben Jr. for short), was born on December 18 1912 to Benjamin Davis Sr., the first African American general in the U.S Army, and Elnora Dickerson Davis. Unfortunately, she died 3 years after Ben Jr. was born due to complications from childbirth. While he grew up with his father on various military posts, Ben Jr. saw how the US Army hampered his father’s career due to they’re segregation policies. Later on, in his early teen years, Ben had his first experience with
The mission statement at UNC Wilmington states that they are committed to student engagement, creative inquiry, critical thinking, thoughtful expression and resposible citizenship. These qualities are things that every student should look for when the big deciosion of where to go to college comes up. College is a big stepping stone for students, it shouldnt be about where all your friends are going, or where the parties are gonna be. The education and enviorment you are wanting to be in is what matters. I have dreams and aspirations of becoming a nurse, getting a BSN degree. UNCW has factors that stand out against any other school. Job prospects and salary are high, this means that when I leave UNCW I wont have to worry about whether or not
was traveling around the U.S. on missionary trips. He was a preacher, and he was also in the
Desmond Doss is one of the most famous U.S conscientious objector in all of U.S military service history. Desmond Doss is known for his brave work at Hacksaw Ridge in Okinawa by single handily saving 75 men by means of carrying them and by manoeuvring them down with his unique rope technique which earned him the medal of honour in October the 12th 1945. Therefore making him the first ever conscientious objector in U.S military history to receive the award. Desmond Doss’s legacy has been shown throughout the ages in television, documentaries and now in the latest 2016 movie entitled Hacksaw Ridge after the real life spot in Okinawa. The movie depicts the true story of U.S serviceman and conscientious objector Desmond Doss in his journey to Hacksaw Ridge. At First Desmond Doss was not fond of people making films or being portrayed in any sort of media because of the inaccuracies that these films might would portray of him because he was deeply focused on his religion and as a seventh day Adventist. But an agreement was soon with him and his firm.
The American Red Cross is a nonprofit organization that prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies through six key areas; disaster relief, lifesaving blood, training and certification, supporting America’s military families, and international services. The American Red Cross has both a mission statement, which defines their objectives and approach, and also a vision statement, which defines their vision and future goals. The mission statement of the American Red Cross reads “The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies by mobilizing the power of volunteers and the generosity of donors. The American Red Cross’ vision statement reads “The American Red Cross, through its
The main character of this story is Desmond Doss. Desmond Doss is a Conscientious Objector and he decided to join the Army to serve his country. But since he was a Conscientious Objector he promised to himself that he would never touch a gun. While in boot camp he was mistreated by his sergeant and fellow soldiers for his belief. He later trained to become a Combat medic to help his fellow soldiers because he did not want to carry a gun. Before he got deployed he met Dorthy were he got married to her before going to Japan. While over there they attacked the ridge of Okinawa known as Hacksaw Ridge. Most men that were deployed of there were killed trying to take the ridge to gain a foothold in Okinawa, Japan. He was most well known for his action upon the ridge. He saved over 75 lives while not touching a single gun. After he saved another man he would say “Please lord let me get one more.” He ended up gaining the respect and adoration of the men he served alongside. At the end of the movie he was awarded the first purple heart for a Consensus Objector. Also because of his work inspiring the other soldiers they were able to take the ridge.
“The Mission” is a motion picture, directed by Roland Joffe in 1986, about a Jesuit mission that is threatened by greed and imperialism in the late 18th century in the Brazilian jungle. Father Gabriel, played by Jeremy Irons, climbs the mountains of Brazil to bring Christianity to the natives. He is successful and brings about a golden age among them. Mendoza, played by Robert De Niro, a slave trader, kills his brother, Felipe played by Aidan Quinn, in a fit of rage over a woman named Carlotta, played by Cherie Lunghi. Only Fr. Gabriel's leadership prevents his suicide. Gabriel brings Mendoza to work at his mission with the natives, and Mendoza finds peace and asks to become a priest. The Church, under pressure, gives the land up to the
Desmond Doss Saved 75 lives of his fallen comrades through courage and bravery when the odds were stacked against him. His unit retreated and he was the last of his unit still in the battlefield that wasn't injured. Mel Gibson really shows How brave Desmond truly was while facing the enemy barehanded. Throughout the night Desmond was constantly saving his fallen comrades who in the beginning thought he was a coward and wouldn’t help save them at all. When Desmond save as many comrades as he could find. After he is brought back to the camp with all of the men from his unit he saved. In the middle of the conversation with his squad his commander came in a told him that they were going to be going into battle again tomorrow which was his day of sabbath. The next morning Desmond’s squad would not leave until Desmond was done praying for all of them. I feel it was more because his squad members felt that if they were to be injured they could have faith that Desmond would make sure they have the best chance for survival. When they climbed up to the battlefield they were there for a short time before they were ambushed and two grenades got
Proudly, he finished high school at the age of sixteen, but could not follow the footsteps of his older brothers and join the military, because he was too young. Therefore, he decided to continue his studies. The completion of his degree in biology was bittersweet. He was the first and the only one in his family to have graduated from college, however, there were not a lot of opportunities for a young African-American male in 1957, in small town Alabama. After taking few odd jobs, he decided to enlist in the military.