
Destiny Vs. Free Will In Sophocles Oedipus The King

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The ancient Greeks believed that their gods could see the future and only a few people could predict and have access to that information. Destiny vs free will in Sophocles most popular play Oedipus Rex is a crucial facet that plays a huge role in man’s life. Sometimes man decides to do a certain job on his own and he sees the outcome later. Sometimes man’s destiny chooses what will happen next in his life. It has been millions of years that prophecies have been passed down to gods and that is what chooses a man’s destiny. As much as life is evil and it is controlled by man’s fate, man is still free to choose his life and is held responsible for the choices he makes. The man thought life was controlled by free will and he can escape from his destiny but that is not true. The play Oedipus Rex illustrates how a man's free will guides him to his destiny and his destiny guides him to the tragic hero. In the beginning of the play, Oedipus learns about prophecies that inform him that …show more content…

Oedipus asks everyone to find information about his beginning but everyone who he asks refuses to answer in some ways because the truth is sad. Oedipus is so anxious to find the murderer of King Laius so that he can find a piece of information about his destiny. This is his choice and he is responsible for everything that happens. Sometimes people do certain jobs that nobody knows the consequences, therefore, they make problems for everyone. Oedipus's curiosity to find the murder of the king leads to his own misfortune. "I say that you are the murderer whom you seek."(Sophocles, #20) Oedipus thought he could escape his fate but in fact, his every single action moved him closer to the prophecy becoming reality. “I was the man who should marry his own mother, shed his father’s blood with his own hands.”(Sophocles #52) He finally realizes that the prophecy became true and escaping from Corinth did not

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