
Destruction In The Crucible

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In Arthur Miller’s novel The Crucible we perceive the town of Salem, a land of peace, turn to a place of destruction. This town was a haven of religious freedom from Britain. In this new world, people were expected to be flawless and commit no sin. Unfortunately, with this community being based purely on the Bible these townsfolk could not commit to such particular laws. This town was on the brink of destruction and a simple lie turned everything upside-down. In the beginning, Salem was a place of peace. The people of Salem have just separated from Britain and achieved religious freedom. This area was a place where townspeople could live significantly longer than Britain, a country where numerous people died of hunger on a daily basis. Being part of this newfound colony there was much to be …show more content…

The Ten Commandments were what all other laws were based off of and were to be taken with much seriousness. Disobeying the Ten Commandments was punishable by death not matter who they were. When a person was found breaking rules of the Bible they would either be hanged or put in prison. Since every person in the community agreed with these punishments, no one …show more content…

They realize that they have begun a witch hunt that will only lead to the death of the innocent. Since these people begin threatening the power the girls have gained they turn the tables. The people who recognize that the girls are full of lies and causing chaos in the town are put to the test. The women quickly put these accusers on the list of those who are accused by of witchery. Those who hold fast to their beliefs that the girls are guilty quickly find themselves being prosecuted and put to death. Because of the fear that comes out of seeing others being killed, several begin to deny their beliefs in order to spare their own

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