
Detector Pens Persuasive Essay

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Many tellers have assisted the Secret Service by detecting counterfeit currency when it is presented to them. The actual counterfeiter does not pass many counterfeits; rather they are “sold” to a “passer,” who will attempt to cash them. Rarely are counterfeits passed in a Credit Union; more often they are used at service stations, liquor stores or dimly lit lounges. These phony bills will then appear in a Member’s deposit, who will become the ultimate loser should you detect the bills as the phony bill must be retained. When detecting counterfeit, compare the suspected bill to a genuine bill of the same denomination and series year. Look for differences, not similarities.
Counterfeit Detector Pens
Branches may be equipped with counterfeit detector pens. These are NOT 100% accurate, but offer a quick and convenient method to conduct a preliminary counterfeit test if a bill looks suspicious. Since US currency is made of cotton instead of paper, it reacts differently to the iodine in the pen. Normal currency will leave a yellow or tan mark. Other types of paper, including that on which counterfeit money is often printed, will turn dark brown or black. …show more content…

government estimates that less than 1% of U.S. paper currency in circulation is counterfeit. Considering recent advances in printing technology and the obviously vast incentive to counterfeit bills, that is a small number. In part, that is because the U.S. Secret Service thoroughly investigates all reported counterfeiting cases, and because there are harsh criminal penalties for counterfeiting or passing fake bills. Perhaps more than anything, though, counterfeiting is difficult because of the bills' security features, which are hard to reproduce but easy to use to verify your money's

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