Successful public health activities- focus on communities and populations in their efforts to ensure quality and accessibility of health and Improving the public’s health recognized as key part of how we will achieve this is to embed healthy lifestyles throughout communities by making public health ‘everybody’s business’ and importance to engage the public workforce for supporting by enabling a far greater number of people to gain access to vital health support and advice (NHS England, 2014). This report aims to discuss the role of the wider public health workforce and their potential to influence public health.
The wider workforce has a great deal of potential to positively impact health and wellbeing by creating the environment
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Education –that have a primary focus on teaching and learning, including the management of educational establishments and nursery staff. Environment – occupations in this group are town planners, architects, housekeepers and pest control officers. Examples of wider determinants of public health, to which they contribute directly, include reducing noise population, homelessness and social isolation and increasing the amount of green space provided locally. Health – this includes all medical and dental staff, nursing and midwifery staff, allied health professionals and other direct support staff. These staff provide a wide range of health services in hospital, primary care and community settings. Hospitality – these include staff working in hotels, restaurants and tourist resorts. These play central roles within communities through improving health and wellbeing, and at the very least are present within most of communities (for example, diet, healthy weight and smoking prevalence) and in improving the wider determinants of public health (for example, reducing social isolation and improving community safety). Protection services – this includes the police, fire and prison service workforces. these may work in …show more content…
the wider workforce means that it has great potential to make a significant contribution to health and wellbeing and engaging with sections of the wider workforce has identified that there is a lot of goodwill in the community, and that there are many individuals and organizations already proactively engaging with their communities to positively influence health risk
Describe the roles and responsibilities of personnel in relation to infection prevention and control in a health or social care setting
Local health departments are typically involved in providing preventative health services, communicable disease control programs, and community health education, among other activities. Which of the core functions of public health does this represent?
The first is primary prevention, which involves developing strategies to prevent risk factors and unhealthy behaviours. On a group level, this might include delivering educational programs for children and young people on topics like the dangers of tobacco use and underage drinking. On an individual level, nurses involved in primary prevention would teach people the benefits of healthy eating and physical activity, as well as the basics of how to achieve their health goals. These nurses might lead community outreach programs or talk at local schools. This care is usually considered to be public
These services included, monitoring health to identify and solve community health problems, diagnosing and investigating health problems and hazards in the community, informing/educating/empowering people about health issues, mobilizing community partnerships to identify and solve health problems, developing policies and plans that support individual and community health efforts, enforcing laws and regulations that protect health and ensure safety, linking people to needed personal health services and assure the provision of health care when
Health Bureau is a field in the healthcare field that is not always appreciated by some people, however; many Health Bureaus are found in large cities with a majority of people seeking help and services from the health bureau. Public health workers have two main roles in the community the personal side and environmental side. Personal side of public health main role is to go out into the community and talk to people about what can be improved in the community. Then the public health worker go back to the office and try to get a make a grant so they can provide services that people ask for. If their grants get approved public health workers think of ideas to get people out into the community to see these programs. These programs that public
‘Describe how the three sectors provide health care, social care and children’s services in England – include the informal sector as well’
Furthermore, the mental health division includes Project Wraparound, community mental health, and library outreach. Next includes the community health services where the division includes communicable disease prevention and control, lead poisoning prevention and control, tuberculosis prevention and clinic, nutrition programs, and mother and children programs. Finally, the environmental health assesses and controls tobacco and environmental health services such as lodging, body art, recreational health, and food safety.
How can nurses in a position similar to the one in which you currently work positively affect community health?
Home care and personal preventive services, such as immunisation is also the role of the Local Government. (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade 2009)
The public health nurses are integral part of the nursing workforce, who are caring for the entire populations. They are involved in educating people about health issues, identifying health risk factors unique to specific communities, provide health-related interventions based on community needs, conducting health prevention activities such as immunizations and screenings, and advocating to improve health care access for underserved communities (Explore Health Careers, 2016). The public health nurses are involve in illness prevention, and health promotion by reaching
The first child to ever be from using test tube techniques happened in the late 1970’s. Although many have applauded this new type of technology, there is an ethical issue on whether or not embryos should be created in test-tube knowing that fact that many are not implanted and have human development. “Octo-Mom” is a classic case that may have changed many people’s perception when it comes to in-vitro fertilization. Many felt that it was ethically wrong for her doctor to conduct that type of procedure to a woman who will not have the ability to provide adequate care for the well-being of her children who may have health issues.
Interestingly there is a large number of people that are not in the proper state of health. The purpose of using social determinants is to create the optimal social/physical environment that will contribute and allow individuals to enjoy a healthier lifestyle, and thus become healthier. ("Social Determinants of Health - Healthy People", n.d., p. 01) The Five key areas that are addressed in the social determinants of health are: Economic Stability, Education, Social and Community Context, Health and Health Care, and Neighborhood and Built Environment. Even though these five determinants of health are different, they are all oriented towards the common objective to better the environment and living conditions so people are empowered and supported in making healthier lifestyle choices and develop the habits that will support these choices. ("Social Determinants of Health - Healthy People", n.d., p. 3)
Physical Activity (PA) has many benefits on our health, and importance of this has to be clearly communicated (House of Commons Health Committee 2015). Therefore, the purpose of this report is to discuss relationship between PA, health and diseases along with specific references to the current United Kingdom (UK) health status. This report will also explain two examples of social determinants of health, to show the impact failing to reach government guidelines has on remaining healthy.
Social determinants of health are social, economic and physical factors that affect the health of individuals in any given population. There are fourteen social determinants of health but Income is perhaps the most important of these because it shapes living conditions, influences health related behaviors, and determines food security. In Canada, people with lower incomes are more susceptible to disease/ conditions, higher mortality rate, decreased life expectancy and poorer perceived health than people with high incomes. In numerous Canadian studies and reports, there has been more emphasis on health being based on an individual’s characteristics, choices and behaviours, rather than the role that income plays as a social determinant of health. Although Canada has one of the highest income economies in the world and is comprised of a free health care system, many low income families are a burden on the system because of the physical and mental health issues influenced by income insecurity. Low income individuals are heavier users of health care services because they have lower levels of health and more health problems than do people with higher incomes. This essay will address income as a social determinant of health in three key sections: what is known on the issue, why the issue is important and how can health and public policies address the issue. The main theme that runs through the essay is the income related health inequalities among low income groups compared to
For example, community education about current health issues is one of the functions of primary health care, so a registered nurse can assume the role of an educator and educate the community about the current threat. Community education is one of the most important aspects of nursing because their code of ethics requires them to keep the community accurately informed on health related issues (Australian Nursing & Midwifery Council [ANMC], 2006). Furthermore, the education informs community about prevention methods because primary health care supports the active participation of patients for both individual and public health.