As stated obviously in the title, there is an overwhelming amount of social commentary within the game. Deus Ex: Mankind Divided uses cinematic and literary to show the video games social commentary. It starts off with a cut scene using long shot, extreme long shot, pov, etc. and later progresses to character development; that are all explaining every important event that played along to its role . “Deus Ex: Mankind Divided”, is taken place in the United States, the game is all in all a story for the power over the human’s body knowledge and trying to obtain it for the purpose of Bioengineering studies. This caused a global threat to the peace of the society. Making riots and the hatred toward augmentations to grow. Wars became a common thing …show more content…
In the game there is a giant anger between Humans Vs. Human Augmentations, other wise known as “Norms” Vs. “Augs”. It started off with augs being the new human innovation for a better substantial life. However when society started to change the aspects of the augmentations, the Bio engineers took it in a personal way and created a “side”. Meaning, Norms started seeing them as an “other” instead of their own. They were different, special, innovated, and above all better. Other Bio Engineers knew this would lead into the “extinction” of the human race causing this their personal viewpoint into “protecting” themselves. This is all a repeat of apartheid from whites to colors, making this easier to understand who is in the wrong; which in any case the norms are in the wrong. In the game it continues to show more hints of relevance of apartheid, as shown in the image of “augs lives matter”, exactly similar to “black lives matter”, proving its relevance to the current …show more content…
Two main things that were in the game were the use of Literary and Cinematography. The developers used literary for the character development and plot story for the audience to understand what is going on through the story but at the same time learning to make their own decisions they feel as the character being played. In the game, there is a character, Jenson, going through all the trouble and how he responds to certain situations in his own way. However, after ten minutes of the game there are situations that given multiple options on how to respond; basically taking control over the character or deciding what you may “feel” what the character would say. The options they gave were more so of a subtle laid back kind of guy who gets the job done, or the no mercy bad hero kind of guy. All in all the audience playing decide what kind of character development the character will have based on their choice of actions and response. Now, for cinematic style the cut scenes will show extreme long shot and long shot. In the cut scenes, when introducing a character they will show a long shot and the scenery as to what they do best. They showed the importance as to where the characters are at and have a certain view to show it's mass destruction as the background. In extreme long shots the game was more so about when comparing
One of the darker actions examined in this unit takes place in "The Most Dangerous Game" by Richard Connell. In this short story, General Zaroff begins hunting a man lost on his island named Rainsford. Bored of the usual game, General Zaroff decides he wants something more exciting and chooses to prey on humans. This ill-judged decision has a domino effect on the plot, ultimately ending in the demise of Zaroff. Nonetheless, an alternate ending besides death could have very well been a possibility. Perhaps, instead of hunting humans, Zaroff decides to open a hunting camp to share his passion for the sport with others. Obviously, his boredom is caused by the island's isolation from society. So, Zaroff could have built homes and started a community or decide to leave the island altogether. Then, the course of this story would have taken a completely different path. Maybe, Zaroff finds a wife, they have children and live happily ever after. If only he was able to overcome his dark side instead of letting it consume him.
In the story “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell and the poem “Porphyria’s Lover” by Robert Browning, the authors use characterization and imagery to convey that the desire for power can drive man to psychotic actions.
follow all regulations, in order for both parties to be beneficial on the agreement. I will be
The evolution of technology has been hand in hand with the human subjugation of earth, but the question persists, when does the use of technology go too far? Advances in medical science have increased the average human lifespan and improved the quality of life for individuals. Medical science and biology are steadily arriving at new ways to alter humans by the use of advanced genetic alteration. This technology gives rise to the question of how this new technology ought to be used, if at all. The idea of human enhancement is a very general topic, since humans are constantly “enhancing” themselves through the use of tools. In referring to human enhancement, I am referring specifically to the use of genetic intervention prior to
Resourcefulness is being able to overcome difficulties quickly and in a clever way. Resourcefulness can also be using one’s surroundings for his/her benefit with prior knowledge and experience. In Richard Connell’s short story “The Most Dangerous Game” the main character Rainsford shows these skills of resourcefulness as he tries to survive the hunt. Rainsford is an experienced big game hunter that is trapped on a tropical jungle covered island with another big game hunter, General Zaroff. Zaroff has gained so much experience in hunting, due to this he has lost interest in hunting animals and now enjoys the hunt of humans. Rainsford is put in the position to be torched or participate in a game of hunting. When Rainsford is challenged to this game of hunting he is forced to try and survive. Rainsford is able to survive the hunt because he uses his resources and prior knowledge to weaken Zaroff helping him win the hunt.
One thing that was really emphasized in this class is critical reflection. According to Brookfield critical reflection is “the process of analyzing, reconsidering and questioning experiences within a broad context of issues”. This is necessary for anyone working in a people centered job or in human services. Critical reflection allows us to tackle our assumptions and actions and address where this comes from. There are 3 different phases of the critical reflection process. The first is deconstruction. This is where we take the case or moment apart, this where we deconstruct our attitudes surrounding the circumstances. The next step is resistance and challenge. This is where we ask why and what this means. The last step is reconstruction. In this step we put together everything that we have learned from this
looks at how the director choose to introduce the situation the characters face, the conflict that happens and the resolution of the story.
Initially it would seem that the answer is simple, leaning towards the same linear story we’ve dealt with for years; however, the ability to change the story depending on your own choices gives the game certain originality every time you play it. It ceases to be a storyteller and gives you the ability to choose. Ultimately, it seems, games of the role-playing genre will give you the ability to influence every decision down to the most minute aspect. The Sims (2000) allowed a player to create a single simulated person (a sim) or an entire family of sims, and each simulated day the player could control everything their sim did, ranging from going to work, watching TV, eating, and even going to the bathroom. This ultimate choice seems to make the story of a game less of a story, and more of a reality. However, the point of the game has no real climax and no end to the game, so it is in a genre of its own.
Underestimation and cruel actions lead to many things. In “The Most Dangerous Game,” author Richard Connell reveals a conflict between main characters, General Zaroff and Rainsford. Rainsford was to play the most dangerous game, created by Zaroff, because the only way to survive, is to win it, otherwise death is the only other option. As demonstrated through the use of personification, symbolism, and repetition in the story, it conveys that one should understand to never underestimate another person and remember that there will always be a consequence for the wicked things that one has done.
have taken place in in the world. The damage it caused, along with the implications that
Despite the fact that “Black Hawk Down” is meant for an older audience, it can hold many good components for high school students. For instance, it helps students reflect on their morals and question themselves on how they would react to the situations these soldiers were put through. This would benefit them in the future by making wiser decisions when dealing with politics and help them with life choices. Allowing them to truly see what war is about and how it could affect other people, as well as themselves. “Black Hawk Down” also demonstrates how to learn from past mistakes that had been made and how to correct them. Although there are some disadvantages to showing this content to the Morongo Unified School District, yet there are many advantages as well. Such as, using the information given in these books inappropriately, however, these problems could be easily solved. Such as warning parents beforehand about reading this material in class, resulting parent’s feeling more at ease in knowing that the school came to them for permission to teaching their child these topics in school.
The shot transitions are cuts which maintain the flow of the narrative and the character’s actions.
The paper is divided into two parts. The first part defines the concept of ‘cultural resource’ from the branding perspective and prepares ground for the argumentation by referring specifically to the readings from the course literature. The second part gives a short introduction of the brand Comme
In 2013, a movement called Black Lives Matters was started after George Zimerman was found not guilty of the murder of Trayvon Martin. Many Americans complain again the injustice and rallied together to form the Black lives matter movement. The Black lives matter movement though has many issues within their movement, but the main issue is that the people of the movement are segregating themselves from other races whenever they say the words “black lives matter”. That’s why the phrase “All lives matter” has come about. The term “All Lives matter” is stating that people of this movement care about all people instead of just one color, that the movement does not support the supremacy of a race & Radical Organization, and show that the police force is not discriminative towards any one race.
Firstly the directors and their team use a variety of different camera techniques to shape our view on the characters, and ultimately