Deuteronomy 4:9-10 and 6:4-9 talk about how God wants parents to raise their children. Overall, God’s desire for His people is to remain firmed in His commandments. It is important for God that parents make their best effort to leave a God-centered legacy to their sons. In these two passages we can see the roles that a mom and dad should have according to God's will. The legacy of loving Christ more than anything is the most powerful inheritance that parents can leave in their sons' hearts. Their roles are to be the models and the teachers, the ones who guide them in any spiritual, moral, and emotional matter. They are the ones who will determinate the level of confidence that the child will have. According to the course book A Child’s World
Today, in modern day living, people are talking about either of the two worldviews, and the importance of that chosen worldview. However, one can choose to live by the principles of a secular worldview or a biblical worldview. This study highlights the distinguishable difference between a secular worldview and a biblical worldview, the incorporation of belief and doctrine, and the theories of vocations and the efforts for living righteously.
Romans 6:1-11 Previously in Romans 5 we studied the theory of representative. In Romans 6 we will look at the theory of unity. " just as sin reigned in death, so that grace might reign through righteousness to bring eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. " (Romans 5:20)
The relationship that God has in our life as a saved Christian is authority. God has authority over our life because he is sovereign and all-mighty. In Romans 12:1-2 we are told that we need to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. That is also a form of worship, because God sent his son to die for out sins we need to present our bodies as a living sacrifice to God. It can be easy as a college student to focus more on school then God. So while at college I should use my time as worship. The Bible says we are created as a holy temple, so while at college everything I do should be devoted to God. I often do things and think how can this be used to glorify God? I am studying right now to be a teacher and through these studies one day
In keeping with the image of God, it is often a struggle to exhibit patience, kindness or even self-control with the psychotic patient yelling, cursing or fighting you. Everyone one of us has problems to face in our lifetime. I feel that God sees our struggles and help is always available. Mental health carries a very negative stigma in today’s society. As nurses, we know that those with mental illness are no different from those with hypertension or diabetes. Yet, God has a purpose for everyone. As a nurse, first, you need to develop trust. Without trust, there is no relationship. As much as you want to walk away from this patient, you know that they are sick and need your undivided attention. Generally, I try to kill them with kindness, let them vent within reason, and always tell them the truth about what is happening and going on. As irrational as the patient is, scripture says that I am not to judge them for their actions. Luke 6:37 states: “Do not judge and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.” (HCSB) I have to exert self-control to avoid feeding into their anger, frustration, delusions, lies, or false hopes. Not only am I the nurse, but I am a servant of the Lord. Therefore, while everything seems to be crumbling down for the suicidal or depressed patient, I need to let my faith
Scripture opens with a witness to the act of God in creation. This fact points to us that understanding the world as the creation of the infinite-personal God is a fundamental starting point in constructing any kind of adequate theology. What is also clear is that it is important to get this understanding right, to the extent that we can do so. “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Gen 1:1 HCSB) (Akin, Theology of the church). But with the revelation of the speaking God who has told us what he has done should make us want to please him each and every day and to show him we love him to.
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy are the names of the 5 book that make up the Torah, more commonly known as the Old Testament. In which, we had to read, both, Genesis and Deuteronomy during our first week of this course. Genesis being a retelling of the creation of everything we know today, from the heavens to Earth itself. While Deuteronomy was a list of rules that God has ask his people to follow. This two books are very important to Christian based religions, because they are the foundation of the religion. The Torah is a big book, and each book every different, which has led many scholars to believe that it was written by more than just one author. Just from reading Genesis and Deuteronomy I can see why many scholars would think this, both books have very different writing styles and languages.
SIM #6 Deuteronomy 6:1-9 Genre: The genre of Deuteronomy is the Law and it is included in the Mosaic Covenant. The law is revelatory not regulatory for us. Therefore, the law was not a means of salvation but a guide to spiritual formation. The law was considered as a wonderful grace from God and was not meant to oppress or limit their freedom. Moreover, the law still holds authority over our lives because it reveals the heart of God.
In Romans 5, Paul has his focus on writing on how we are all sinners, but there is hope by God’s grace that we can all be redeemed. "But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners"(Romans 5:8) We are born into the world of sin but there is a light at the end of the tunnel and his name is Jesus. In Romans 6, Paul has his focus on writing on how baptism works in the Kingdom. Although we are all sinners be now have a way to wipe ourselves clean and start fresh.
Introduction In Romans 7:15 -8:4, Paul lays out his struggle with sin; “So I find this law at work: When I want to do good, evil is right there with me. For in my inner being I delight in God’s law; but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members” (Romans 7:21 – 23, NIV). This is something that we as Christians can all relate to in our lives. When we want to do good, sin is there within in, struggling against the good that we want to do.
The whole book of Deuteronomy is telling the story of a people that made a deal with God. They made promises to serve him according to the way that he wanted to be served. Deuteronomy laid out all the wonderful things that would happen to them if they were obedient and kept their promises. It also laid out what would happen if they did not keep their promise. It was pretty harsh too.
Discuss the significance of the books of Exodus-Deuteronomy as they move the storyline from Genesis forward.
Moses was a beautiful child born of the tribe of Levi to Amram, a man of the house of Levi and Jochebed. Being a Hebrew, he was born in a foreign nation, Egypt, at a time when his race was subjected to slavery. The Pharaoh noticed that the number of Hebrew children and slaves was steadily increasing. He gave a decree to have all male children killed out of fear that one day, the slave laborers would riot and rebel against him.
The expansion of Christianity into Samaria happened almost entirely thanks to Philip. He was one of the first missionaries to go Samaria and performed many miracles for the people there and people noticed that the power of God was present. And the expansion into Judea was largely Jesus, he was specific before he ascended into Heaven and said that you will perform these miracles in Judea and Samaria. Jesus told his disciples to go to these places to proclaim the good news and save more souls. Stephen played a large role in expanding the Gospel. He may not have been as popular with his miracles. He was however, popular for being stoned for his beliefs. I think that him dying the first Christian martyr gave other Christians confidence to speak
There were at least 3 views of how the Old Testament was composed which include the critical view, the compositional view, and the common view. Each view was somewhat similar and different in the aspects that gave it it's own characteristics. The main point of this discussion is to focus on the similarities and differences of each view which are but not limited to how the bible was created, the process, and design.
The first 39 books of the larger work called the Bible, is called the Old Testament. The Bible itself is arguably the best selling and most read book of all time, yet it’s well known to be quite challenging to read through and understand. The Old Testament portion of the Bible, notably the most difficult portion of the Bible for most to study and follow, yields 39 books from multiple authors, and spans over 4000 years of crucial world and church history. If that were not enough to take on, the Old Testament comes our way through multiple styles of authorship and formats, including but not limited to, books of history, law, proverbs, ethics,