Minhazul Arefin,Niloy kumar dey
ID:13207009, Department of BSME
International University Of Bussines Agriculture And Technology.
Abstuct: Automobile is the one popular side of engineering. Now-a-days the demand of automobile product is rising high.But automobile is not developed much and it is so rare for our Bangladeshi people.Bangladesh is developing country but here automobile product is not available.And the automobile product price is high for get ride from this problem we have to developing.our automobile side here,I disscuss about problem of developing automobile,
Key word: automobile,
An automobile, autocar, motor car or car is a wheeled motor vehicle used for transportin
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The concept of product architecture is the scheme by which the function of a product is allocated to physical components.[7]
The use of a platform strategy provides several benefits:[5] * Greater flexibility between plants (the possibility of transferring production from one plant to another due to standardization), * Cost reduction achieved through using resources on a global scale, * Increased use of plants (higher productivity due to the reduction in the number of differences), and * Reduction of the number of platforms as a result of their localization on a worldwide basis.
The automobile platform strategy has become important in new product development and in the innovation process.[8] The finished products have to be responsive to market needs and to demonstrate distinctiveness while — at the same time — they must be developed and produced at low cost.[5] Adopting such a strategy affects the development process and also has an important impact on an automaker 's organizational structure.[5] A platform strategy also offers advantages for the globalization process of automobile firms.[9]
Isn't it hard to believe that there are currently one billion automobiles being used on a daily basis throughout the world? But, there always wasn't that many in the world as the automobile has only been around since the early 1900s. An automobile, also called a car, is a four wheeled vehicle that has its own motor and is used in daily travels around the world. Even though our world is filled with them now, automobiles were quite rare during the 1910s and 1920s. In the United States automobiles were just being developed at this time, but once the automobile became popular, people used them with every opportunity
• Houses were stronger, they had an enhanced diet, brought more livestock, and used manure for fertilizer for better crops.
3 Improved lead time: The business process will be able to able to respond quickly with fewer delays. It also ensures timely availability of the product in the market.
farmed dramatically increased.This meant that there was a larger amount of crops going to the
Since the twentieth century, America has dominated the car industry business. Automobiles have made a major influence in the society and the economy of America ever since. Especially when Henry Ford, founder of Ford Motor Company, developed two of his inventions, Model T and Model A, flourished into a big success around the 1900’s. Nonetheless, the culture we live in today is influenced tremendously by the advanced technology we created, and it grants industries new opportunities that may evolve the automobile business as we know it.
The first "Automobile" was built in around 1672 as a toy for the chinese emperor by Ferdinand Verbiest. The automobile itself wasn't of the scale of being able to hold a passenger, and so could not be used as transportation. The first true automobile was created in 1855/1856 by Karl Benz from Germany.
To the common individual, a car is simply a means of transportation. However, from the social stand point, the automobile impacts people’s daily lives in a larger aspect. The modern automobile was inspired by a toy made for a Chinese emperor. The toy was not
Inventions like the plow and combine had many positive effects, however the use of commercial farming has played a big role in overpopulation, and
Farmers get developments for harvesting, meaning they can now do the work in a quarter of the time they could do
The way farmers farmed their land was changed by the transportation and the communications revolution. There was no longer a need to produce everything they consumed.
The automotive industry globally involves the processes of manufacturing as well as sales of cars and other automobiles. The business of this industry is also inclusive of retailing activities like services; sale of spare parts, gas-station retails etc. by the year 2015, and the growth rate of the industry is expected to have a rise of 5.5% (Market Line, 2012). Moreover, as per International Organization of Motor Vehicle Manufacturers, this industry is the leading driver in terms of global economic progress and the largest employer. The changing trends and rising demand for technically advanced cars are giving out more opportunities. This essay is going to be a presentation on the analysis of the Volkswagen positioning strategy with respect to the Porters models of competitive strategies. This essay would be vital, as this analysis would help in revealing the company’s competitive and strategic position in the industry.
Since less work was required; people had more time to appreciate nature and thus enjoyed a happier life.
Participation of developing economies in globalization of the automotive industry was enhanced by innovations in telecommunication, technology development, and transportation. These elements made it possible for the industry to fragment its production processes and creation of smaller assembling plants that were located in different regions of the world. This segmentation of production processes created multiple global production networks and expanded the global market making many developing countries reap the benefits of globalizing the automotive industry (Maxcy 108).
The current process: In 1990s a development process was entailed which is 60-month-long. Two major prototyping
The automobile began as a rich man’s toy, and in today’s society almost every single person owns one of these miraculous inventions. After the automobile became more popular, society has evolved around it, creating highways and fast food chains. The automobile has revised from a bare invention, such as the horseless carriage, to now technologically advanced motor vehicles with bluetooth and wireless internet. Since the beginning age of the automobile in 1885, the invention has advanced, prospered, and changed society throughout the world.